My dream car is a Vintage Mercedes convertible, much to my husbands complete horror! Today when I visited some clients at their country house, parked in their driveway, in mint condition, was their STUNNING Vintage Mercedes convertible - cream with navy blue leather and hood. Oh my goodness I could have stood and looked at this car all day. It was so beautiful. Every time I see one (and it's not often as they are so rare here in Australia) my legs get wobbly and I can't control my excitement. It was a real treat to see this very beautiful car today and I can't wait to tell my husband all about it when he gets home!! I'm sure he'll do lots of mmm's!!
What's your dream car??
My dream car is one of those little Italian Bambinos (Fiat 500s) My better half and I went to Rome and while everyone else was ooohing and aaahhhing over the Colloseum I was taking pictures of Bambinos stuck in traffic!
My friend used to have a vintage Mercedes like this and whenever she went over 70 miles per hour I used to have to hold on to the passenger door so I wouldn't fly open.
Anna- I'm with you on the Mercedes. I'd glady give my right arm for one (although then I wouldn't be able to drive it!).
I so know how you feel! I love my Volvo and all but am secretly holding out for a 1964 Jag roadster, to which my husband says, "that is such an impractical car!" I know that is the point!!! Beauty over function if you can afford it you know?
I too dream of owning a vintage Mercedes. My first car was my dad's Mercedes 1973 450SL convertible in white with cardinal leather and I miss it soo much!
I too dream of owning a vintage Mercedes. My first car was my dad's Mercedes 1973 450SL convertible in white with cardinal leather and I miss it soo much!
I love vintage cars. They are so much better than "new" cars. But I can't say I wouldn't like a new little cute Mercedes. :) LOL I myself would love a vintage Mustang, candy apple red. Its hard to come by old cars though. I have a neighbor who has let a RED Mustang still outside for 9 years now. Its just rusting away. Very heartbreaking! :(
I love this car, too. My ex-boyfriend had a 1965 coupe. Absolutely gorgeous, but he said anything was a fortune to fix. Another old boyfriend had a late 80s Mercedes with 300k miles on it, and I loved that, too, even though it wasn't as glam as the coupe. It's unfortunate that the new ones seem to have plummeted in quality lately, if you read car reviews. They are also nowhere near as pretty as the older ones.
These 190SL's are fairly affordable for the cache. The performance is so-so, but I wouldn't mind owning one. Check out the International 190SL Group.
For a real adventure though, you might be interested in a Porsche 356...cabriolet or coupe, take your pick.
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