I love hanging lanterns in trees and when I saw this beautiful image I thought how gorgeous it is that they have mixed up all sorts of lanterns in one tree - I love this!! Usually I hang the same sorts of lanterns in one tree but from now on I am going to start mixing it up a bit. I have a beautiful pink/yellow Frangipani tree at home which I often hang lanterns in when we are having a dinner party outside. I can't wait for our next dinner party - I am going to do the Frangipani tree just like this!! Thanks once again
Sarah Kaye for the inspiration!!
Very striking picture! You should definitely try that.
I bet your dinner parties are fabulous. Lovely picture.
Yes Aren’t lanterns just whimsical and magical? They can convert any garden into a delightful environment.
I've been away for two weeks so haven't posted much. I have enjoyed catching up on the pink & yellow posts. Yellow was a colour I didn't think I liked, but this year I've developed quite the liking for it.
I have my eye on a Moroccan inspired lantern (s) for our deck for the summer. We don't have any trees, but I see a grouping of 3 lanterns in the corner all lit up, with us eating at our teak table.
And I just ordered My French Life. I couldn't wait until we were home next.
Isn't that Sarah Kaye site the best?
Hi Anna,
Congrats on being decor 8's blog of the week. Awesome, k
Oooooh I love this look! So heavenly, magical, enchanting...
What a great idea! I have a couple of beautiful lanterns and I never thought about displaying them this way...this creates a beautiful ambiance. :)
I love every single lantern, they are so unique and beautiful.
Thanks POC & SC!! I wish you both lived closer as I would invite you to one of my dinner parties! Wouldn't that be fun!
I agree Julie!
Great to hear from you Tinkerblue! Glad you liked the pink & yellow posts!! So glad too that you ordered My French Life!! Let me know what you think when you get it!
It is Di!! Lots of beautiful images there!
Thanks K!
Thanks Terramia and Ash!
I agree Crustation!
My husband is the antique lantern collector in our house. We only have a few (he's picky and not a fully trained shopper) but we have a few outside in the garden, which he electrified with a bulb and inside too. But, hanging in trees? What a fantastic idea! I'm definitely going down that road. Lovely inspiration.
I just came across your wonderful blog I will be back to enjoy the beatiful images
This image reminds me of this restaurant/shop in Bali. It was right next to a jungle. It had lanterns hanging around the place on some of the trees. I was there when it had stopped raining and it was gloomy. It looked absolutely beautiful! If only I could remember the name of the place.
Thank You for posting~
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