Tuesday, 24 March 2009


We all need to remind ourselves of this one...

Images via vi.sualize.us


Sara said...

I wish everyone would know, understand and act upon that.

Amber said...

So true. Just founf you via The City Sage, lovely little corner of the blog world you got going on over here...

Sabine, La Marquise des anges said...

like them both. you just brighten up my whole day. thanks for sharing

Pretty Lovely said...

You are very right. Thanks for reminding us!

Miglė said...

we should!!
made our live beautiful..

Unknown said...

oh! c'est tellement mignon!

Nicki's Notebook said...

aw this is a sweet post . xx

Evas House said...

oooh, this is so tender!

Evas House said...

oooh, this is so tender!

Yoli said...

Oh you are so dead on with this dear girl. We forget to appreciate and love upon those who are nearest.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwww I remind myself everyday. I love the lady bugs picture!

MISS B said...

So sweet...

Sharnel said...

Yes we do. We also need to tell our nearest and dearest that we need them too.

becomingkate said...


Camilla said...

Reminder to self: must get new Sharpie!!!

Anonymous said...

These are so sweet - I love it!
Just saw the post on the images from your mother's house - they are utterly gorgeous. You and your mum must share the same talent. Would love to see more of your mum's house please!
Catherine xx

Julia said...

Gosh, that's cute!

Maria Killam said...

Omg, what an amazing photo of the ladybugs! That is the best, wherever did you find that one? I'll have to check that link next :) Amazing.

phoenix said...

What a fantastic photo!!

Clare Carter said...

beautiful : )

Roberta said...

the first image remind me that i can fall in love again...
in fact, it makes me happy.

Betty Jo said...

Your blog is gorgeous. I've enjoyed my first visit very much. ♥

Unknown said...

What a sweet reminder of our reliance on other people! I love it, thank you. -e

Caroline said...

Oh, I adore the ladybugs!