It's 8.54am Saturday morning and I'm up which is quite unusual for me on a Saturday. I love sleeping in on the weekend. However, today I think I am going to get up and get going. I might head out to see what new goodies Michael Allen has and then I might grab a coffee and head over to New Farm to do my usual Saturday morning drop into Black & Spiro to see what's happening. I love that today is mine and I get to choose what I want to do....How about you? What are you planning today??
Too funny, in NY I am still trying to plan my Friday night!
Enjoy your day!
Hi Anna
It is not quite weekend here in Vancouver, still only Friday. My weekend is having a "build your own" pizza party at my home tomorrow night. Have a great weekend.
I'm envious Anna, I'm at work today. I dropped into Black and Spiro about month ago when I was up in Queensland. You have done an amazing job with your store. Kate
It's still Friday here. My Saturday will consist of typing up estimates from 2 appointments today and a sample for my sister in laws cabinets. In other words.... work. (sad face). Jennifer
Off to have a very late brunch in Paddington to sweeten us ahead of the humdrum grocery shopping. And voting, of course! Let's not forget that. Have a lovely relaxing weekend, Anna. Sounds like it will be off to a gorgeous start.
I've been up at 7:45 am today, and sadly in this part of the world, saturday's arent off for entrepreneurs, its just multi-nationals and major corporates who give a saturday off :(
Good for you!! Sounds like a lovely Sat. We ar still on Frifay night here in California but i hope I can have one as nice even if my 3 yr old has to tag along! Luckily she is always game for anything.
Gorgeous image!! When I wake up in the morning I plan on getting myself a lovely iced chai from Starbucks!!!!
Not as much fun as it sounds like you will be having, Anna. I am starting my "Spring Cleaning" this weekend! I have been neglecting things too long. Hope you have a great Saturday!! Hugs from Texas ~ Stephanie
i loooooove saturday mornings! draw out the coffee drinking experience over the papers, while listening to music in my jammies.
I love that manchester! You don't know where it comes from I suppose :-)
reminder to vote while you are having your time :)
also nice wee piece in the CM today - love to see Brisbane women recognised for what they do well .... you deserve the recognition - cheers le
Love your site which I found a few days ago. Thanks for beautiful inspiration.
Ummmm... very nice and good plan!
Regards, Ann
Hope you had a sweet day. I'm watching husband run a road race then working on a quilt. Cheers to lazy days!
What a coincidence.. I`m reading you on Saturday 8.54 am hour from Argentina!!!
Have a nice day!!!
as planned, long sleep. yes... saturday morning - marvelous ;]
I love getting up at about 9.30, making a huge mug of tea and sitting on the couch watching cookery programmes in my jammies for a few hours. Sets me up for the weekend!
Dear Anna,
It is a chilly but sunny early Spring morning in the Southeastern U.S. I am looking forward to getting out in the yard today and tending my just-emerging flowers and raking away winter's leftovers. I hope your day is beautiful!
that sounds like a beautiful day! I'd love to be able to drop by your shop today. 'Wish we were on the same continent! Have a beautiful weekend!
Happy Saturday!
I'm putzing around the house today, biten by the Spring bug - cleaning and organizing while in my pjs with coffee in hand.
Enjoy the weekend!
xo Isa
today i haven't done much really - i love to have a lie in on saturdays and read the weekend guardian.
I love Saturdays too... it's a day for all the things that I've wanted to do all week and havent had time for!
The best are the days I make rounds to all my favorite shops! Enjoy yours!
Like you, I usually sleep in on Saturdays, but I had the same thought this morning. Ended up enjoying my coffee outside as it is a lovely Spring day, did a bit of reading and then took my dog for an extra long walk followed by a bit of weeding in the garden. Planning to do some painting and then make a new recipe tonight, so headed to the market soon. It is indeed thrilling to have some unscheduled time! Thanks for your post.
Farmers market, Container Store and soup dumplings with friends. Awesome.
I love these linens. Where are they from and who makes them?
Today is my second Saturday off in a month! I'm being spoiled :P
Well, I really only get the first half of a Saturday off because my second job is a night job D: but I'm sick so therefore I get to spend my Saturday watching bad British TV and slobbing in my PJS!
Although, I was up at 11:30 (rather early for me!) and spent the morning sorting through my closet and dressers; giving the old and never worn to charity ready to make room for the new on payday! Hurray!
We are painting the guest room. Hubby got up early to golf the back noine...and I couldn't sleep so got up at 6:30 to do some work and blog post.
Happy weekend Anna!!!
I slept in til 9.30 ... couldn't believe it. I must have been subliminally channelling your blog post.
Hi Everyone! Gosh I loved hearing from you all about what you are getting up to this weekend!
For those of you who asked. I'm not 100% sure of where that bedding in the image is from but I know that GANT did a range of bedlinen in this gorgeous colourful paisley design a while back.
Thanks again!
sounds like a day!
Well since you asked....My aunt took me antique and estate sale shopping around Boston today! It was amazing there are so many hidden treasures in this city!
You're getting up and I'm going to bed. I'll never really figure it out. Tomorrow is my new official day off. Hand sewing ribbon flowers while sitting in the rocking chair overlooking the harbour doesn't count as work, though. first will be coffee.
Hi Anna!I really loved your editorial about the realistic paintings(sunday today and in an fleece trying to knit? have a thing about it in my blog) You have a great blog, would you like to swap links?
I'm a Designer with a new collection and a blog:
Here is my direct link:alice fashion news & fashion blog
Keep up the good job!
Cheers Alice
I love your blog!
This photos are a inspiration for me and my work(accessories designer)
Oh I wish I got to sleep in on the weekends.
Well my morning was spent at ballet, then a spot of shopping for a birthday gift and then a play date.
Lovely day had by all!
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