Hello how was your weekend? Mine was lovely. Harry and I went hunting for vintage furniture on Sunday morning. As you may or may not know we are currently smack bang in the middle of a renovation. Stage one will hopefully be completed in about four weeks! Anyway, as we are extending our cottage we have the need for a few more pieces of furniture. I have been collecting old furniture and bits and pieces my entire married life and I think I may have a bred another little collector!! Whenever we go Antique shopping I always let Harry select one little thing for himself. I love watching him select his piece. This time he spotted this fantastic old ship in the back of one of the stores at Paddington Antique Market and I was so impressed! We bought it for his new bedroom. I spotted this gorgeous old pink Bentwood chair which I am going to add to my collection of mismatched Antique dining chairs. I also found a few more bits which I am thrilled with. Overall it was a very successful mission. I love that my son is learning to appreciate Antiques and vintage pieces and its just so lovely to have him give me his opinion on my finds too...even if we don't always agree!!
My goodness I have imagined Harry to be about 2!! He has great taste, I love his ship...and the clue to visit Paddington Antique Market...it's in my planner.
I am a regular reader of ABT.
Anna, I think it is just wonderful that you are getting your son insterested in antiques and the fun of hunting for that special treasure. The pink chair is adorable. Can't wait to see sneek peeks of your renovation as it progresses. I'll bet it is going to be just LOVELY! when it is done.
Harry found a great piece!
Ooh LOVE the chair! The color is perfection and the lines are so charming. Great find!
My Grandpop did the same with me when I was young, taking me along to yard sales at the Jersey Shore, and now I have a collection with pieces going back to that time. He'll so appreciate spending this time with you later in his life :)
Love that pink chair!
How sweet that you you can do this together... and what sweet finds you both got!!!!
Happy week to you!
My three are exactly the same and share my love of interiors (although with slightly different tastes!) and are so definite in how they want their rooms these days.
Harry looks like he has a great eye with his latest find. xv
How incredibly sweet that your son appreciates antiquing with you. I think it is great you take him along too- those will make for very special memories for him (I think my brothers and I all loved getting to go to flea markets, junk shops, and antique stores with my mom!) And that ship is an awesome find for his room! :)
Oh my gosh, Harry has great taste (like his mum)! I would love that boat for my own house! I think it's sweet that he's getting into it so young.
Thats very cute!
i'd be happy with that ship in my room too!!
It is a great way to spend time together! One of my daughters and I would go to art galleries together when we were having a 'mommy day'. It had a real impact on her that I didn't realize until years later. She is now in an Art & Design College and loves it...
that chair is charming!
Outstanding finds Anna. Wild horses couldn't keep me away from a flea market and I love taking the kids too.
Anna :)
cute chaie Anna. I think it's great to share things you love with your kids, I do the same with mine and my older daughter is becoming just like me.
Thanks for your comment last week. It's a small world! Hayley
anna, this is such a cool find! beats my score anyday!
i love that ship! i am not a sailing fan, but i too recently scored an old ship which required some TLC and will blog about it soon :)
harry's one is soooo gorgeous! looks to be in great nick too! and your chair, OMG :)
Brilliant, what a good Mum you are to instill the love of the hunt. Clearly brings new meaning to "your ship has come in!" What a great boat...or cruise ship!
(That chair is lovely too!) I would love it in white or a deep navy!
A lovely chair but I adore the boat! Your boy has great taste.
That's so great! My son asks to go garage saling " or asks "Did you get it at the junk store?" often. He's not quite 3! lol! Our kids really pick up on what we love.
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