To my absolute delight we have a pretty serious garden at our new house which I am hoping to improve, extend and make even more beautiful over time. We also ended up purchasing the block next door which is a big, ugly mound of dirt at the moment - a perfect blank canvas. One thing I definitely want to put in is a Kitchen Garden or a Jardin Potager as the French call them and I also want to add more flowering plants so that I can cut flowers for the house and for Black & Spiro too.
With lots of ideas swirling and no idea where to start, I have decided to create a garden file and if it's okay with you I am going to post a few more garden inspiration bits here on the blog too.
My Uncle Robbie is going to help me put all of this into action as he is a retired Landscape Architect. He actually just did our front garden beds at Black & Spiro and although my instructions were very vague; "I just want them to look like a field of pretty flowers", he nailed it.
So, watch out for lots of pretty garden pictures and maybe I might even pose a few questions to you along the way as gardening is a whole new ball game for me!!
With lots of ideas swirling and no idea where to start, I have decided to create a garden file and if it's okay with you I am going to post a few more garden inspiration bits here on the blog too.
My Uncle Robbie is going to help me put all of this into action as he is a retired Landscape Architect. He actually just did our front garden beds at Black & Spiro and although my instructions were very vague; "I just want them to look like a field of pretty flowers", he nailed it.
So, watch out for lots of pretty garden pictures and maybe I might even pose a few questions to you along the way as gardening is a whole new ball game for me!!
Your garden is very nice. xx
It's such a luxury to have a garden these days. You're so lucky! I look forward to seeing how it develops....
My garden is my oasis. It gives me peace!
happy planting!
As a wise man (Pope) said circa 17th century, "Men come to build sooner than to garden finely as if gardening were the finer art."
You will have a fabulous garden, your mission statement has already begun & you bring your arsenal of talent from other realms into your new garden.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Well it is cetainly alright with me Anna! In fact I look forward to seeing the photos. If I had half of your design talent I would be a happy woman
A blank canvas - how wonderful! I'd be so excited. If it's of interest I find that small square beds in a potager look pretty and are easy to handle.
We look forward to pictures of work in progress!
My French Country Home
Thanks Tara, I am very excited about this new project as it is something very new for me and something I feel I can really get some relaxation and enjoyment out of!!
Thanks for the tip Sharon! I need as many tips as I can get. I'll be putting that into my file.
Thanks for the tip Sharon! I need as many tips as I can get. I'll be putting that into my file.
Patricia, that's what I am hoping -it might give me some stress relief!! I was out in the garden today and just watering made me relax!
I am excited to see your garden inspiration - I am new to it too and hope to learn and be inspired along with you.
hi anna,
i think it's a brilliant idea. for me there is no distinction between the inside and outside. they are one and the same. good luck and i cannot wait to see what you do.
Dear Anna,
Gardening is so good for the soul and teaches patience. It's not great for the nail's though...People start off being so fussy and saying "I'll only have a blue and white flower scheme" or "I hate geraniums" but after a while you just sort of accept what works and are grateful that things aren't eaten and don't die. I garden in Old Testament conditions-snakes, bush turkeys, possums, drought, insufficient sun, grasshoppers, cane toads, rats, a plague of locusts (made the last 1 up). Hope your garden has less varmints than mine. See you on Thursday night. FF x
Awesome, have so much fun making your garden cozy and beautiful!
Your blog is so inspiring, love it!
I am so glad to hear about your garden and I can wait to see the garden pictures. I am having the same dilemma with my garden, In December last year we purchase a big block of land with a jungle in it...and we have spend every weekend cleaning it...now is time to do our dream garden ...I can wait to get some inspiration from your Blog. Happy planting and I am sure your garden will be stunning!!
Love that swing!
I am always on the lookout for great garden ideas!!! I'll be checking back.
I will definitely take those tips on board FF!
Perhaps one of my OEKE's to cover you whilst you ponder the planting process??? Congrats on everything over recent weeks - BIG congrats (-:
Dear Anna,
how lovely to lose your self in the garden.
When the world fails to satisfy there is ALWAYS the garden.
Now I almost wish we'd kept that hanging cane chair from our house in the 70s! I love being in the garden and whenever I've pottered a bit, I wonder why I don't spend more time out there. Your new journey will be most enjoyable to watch, Anna. {Still laughing at Faux Fuchsia's "I garden in Old Testament conditions..."}
Enjoy your garden view!
Hi, Anna,
I've been following your lovely blog for ages but not commented. Very happy to say that recently I started a new job just down the road from your premises at New Farm. Was having a lunch-time walk and noticed your lovely new garden at the entrance. He did indeed "nail it". Very very pretty! I didn't come inside, but loved what I could see through the windows.
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