Friday 4 July 2008

Happy Weekend & The Final Countdown!!

Remember back in January when I told you I was heading to Paris??!! If not, click HERE to refresh your memory!

Well here I am with 13 days left to go before I present my seminar in Melbourne and as I answer my last question on that exciting Thursday morning I will be filled with so much anticipation as that afternoon I will be leaving on a plane bound for Paris.

In Paris I will meet my two very special girlfriends for the start of a 3 week girls only trip. After a week long indulgent visit to Paris we will head to the South of France where we will stop in Aix-en-Provence for some time and then we head down further to the coastal town of St-Jean-Cap-Ferrat. After a few days in Cap-Ferrat we head to Venice and then I will leave my gorgeous friends and head back to London where I will be visiting the Notting Hill Markets before I board a plane homeward bound. I will be purchasing lots of fantastic things for Black & Spiro and when I get home I will have some wonderful news for you all!! So 13 days to go and counting - it certainly has been a long wait as I booked this trip almost 12 months ago to the day!!

Hope you all have a great weekend and I look forward to next week as the final count down begins. Oh and I have a special apartment I have worked on which I will show you too!! See you soon! xx Anna

Image - Richard Foulser Photographer via Shannon Fricke


Shannon Fricke said...

Oh Anna! How exciting! Any room in the suitcase for girl who hasn't been to Paris in a while? Sx
p.s I'll be in Melbourne too for Furnitex - hope we get to meet and catch up...

Anna Spiro said...

Thanks Shannon! Yes, I am SUPER excited about my trip! I can't wait to loose myself in Paris!! My seminar is the first one off the rank on the Thursday morning so if you're around then I'd love to meet you too! I will be rushing off afterwards though as I have to head to the airport!

Villa Anna said...

Ahhh I too am so excited about your trip!

After my first trip to Paris last year I've been BUSTING to get back there. Maybe next year ;)

I am already loving the pics you haven't taken yet lol.

Good luck in Melbourne I wish I could attend.

Anna :)

pve design said...

Just left Paris this morning and am in "Brussels" now - have a wonderful trip and I know you will inspire each of us in your eyes! Enjoy every minute!

simply pink. said...

So excited for you! I hope you have a wonderful trip!

bruboomoo said...

very very exciting indeed! i can't wait to see your new purchases and most of all have a wonderful trip!!! 12 days and counting!! =)

yasmine said...

oh my gosh, 3 weeks in paris sounds like the most fabulous vacation ever!

have fun!

Lipstick said...

Hope you have a wonderful time! I can wait to read all about it and see those fabulous pics!

Sharnel said...

Oh I'm so excited for you. Gee I wish I was going. Fingers crossed next year!

Design Scouting said...

So exciting! I can't wait to read about what you find there!

cotedetexas said...

Whoa! I'm so jealous - three weeks without a husband or a child???? or business? or clients? in Paris and South of France and Venice and England??? Just sounds too wonderful to be true. You better take lots and lots of fabulous pics to share with all of us!!! Have a safe, fun trip - you deserve it, girl!


Liza Hirst said...

You lucky girl! I'm sure it will be a fantastic holiday - this is the best time to visit France - at least weather wise. For your next trip to France you might plan to visit the Southwest where you would be very welcome to drop by our home! Here's a tip for your shopping in Notting Hill, by the way. Jessie Western on Portobello Road. Jessie is a lovely lady who spent a week this spring in our holiday apartment with her husband and baby. She was wearing the most incredible cowboy boots and beautiful jewellery from Santa Fe.
And besides being a shop owner she's a singer and musician too! Say hello to her from me!
All the best, Liza