Monday 13 October 2008

Happy Week!!

One of my lovely friends reminded me that I had forgotten to do a 'Happy Weekend' post last week so to make up for it I thought I would do a special little 'Happy Week' post! This week I've decided to stop reading the newspaper, stop reading CNN News on the Internet and stop watching the news on the t.v.!! Instead I am going to focus on the happy things in my life. I hope you will all join me this week in focusing on being HAPPY!! Look at this beautiful image Abbey posted last week of some fresh flowers she arranged in her apartment! This picture makes me happy!! What makes you feel happy??

Image - Abbey Goes Design Scouting


Ness Lockyer said...

Waking up to a sunny day and hearing our two little boys belly laughing at each other always makes me happy.
Have a great week Anna.
Ness xx

Ness Lockyer said...

Waking up to a sunny day and hearing our two little boys belly laughing at each other always makes me happy.
Have a great week Anna.
Ness xx

Essential Oil Premier University said...

Yup, let's not read the paper, or turn on the TV because it's just too darn depressing!!



la la Lovely said...

That is a lovely idea.. focus on the things that make you happy. My family makes me happy.. Today we are headed to the Apple Orchard (its fall here) and I am not going to attend to my phone/e-mail while I am there!

CashmereLibrarian said...

That's a GREAT idea. I'm going to avoid the media too. I have a candidate and I'm ready to vote AND MOVE ON; my retirement fund continues to tank, and my sanity hinges on focusing on the small things that make me happy: walking to work (and back home!) in the autumn sunlight, having a stack of books next to my bed to read, thinking about new personal projects, eating cookies right out of the oven with a glass of milk.

Ivy Lane said...

Anna, here's to a Happy Week!! we could all use a lift I think!! I am most happy when I am able to be busy at work, creative at both work and home, and have quality time with my family! Will try to accomplish that this week!... :)

Happy Week to everyone!

Sharnel said...

Happy things:
fresh flowers, breakfast with the entire family, hearing my Dad's voice, singing birds, big bear hugs from my husband, seeing my kids tucked up in bed safely each night, fabulous friends, interesting conversation from the heart, colour, my camera, letterpress stationery, my new home, freshly painting toenails, sunsets, the beach and my favourite song turned up really loud in the car and me belting it out as if i was on stage!

Camilla said...

And CHEERS to that!!
I have been trying the 'ignorance is bliss' thing for a few days and its harder than you can imagine!! Even my coffee chick wants to share her concerns about the worlds markets!

mondocherry said...

What a lovely idea. Beautiful flowers make me happy, lovely smells, big cuddles from my children, seeing a new born baby, a particularly delicious dessert all to myself, a great coffee, the thrill of creating something new, a sewing machine that doesn't play up, and a evening out with my hubby. I will see how many I can fit in to this week!

Alya said...

Good weather, great company.. and not stressing about having some important things to do!

Josephine Tale Peddler said...

I love the idea of Happy Week. I've not been watching the news for awhile now and I haven't missed out on anything except working myself up all the time over events I could do nothing about.

pve design said...

My dog
My kids
My dear hubby
My family
My Art and other art
French Bread
Green Grass
all makes me very happy

Nicola said...

What a lovely day. I feel happy when I wake up on a beautiful sunny weekend day, sit outside and breakfast and enjoy the peacefulness of the morning.

Design Scouting said...

Thank you for the link!!!!