Wednesday 19 October 2011

Dear VL

Dear Vogue Living,

I love you so much.  Your October issue is divine, divine, divine.  You just get better and better.  Thank you for being my little package of joy.  You are the best.



tinajo said...

Haha, I hope they see this! :-)

Kate said...

You took the words right out of my mouth, Anna! I took mine down to the beach in my lunch break today (one of the only joys of not working in the city is being close to the beach!) and gushed over each and every page. Am taking it with me when I catch up with Emma tonight and pointing to a few projects with a simple message for her "Help me recreate this!!!"

Was thrilled to see that Sourced Grocer featured - you're way ahead of the game, my dear! Love that you included that in your Brisbane tour for us xo

Anonymous said...

I second that! The latest issue had so much beautiful stuff everywhere!

Luciane at said...

I guess I need to get one! :-)

Have a wonderful day!


Luciane at

Krystal Lee said...

ooh maybe i should pop down and get one haha! these photos are lovely x


Debra Turner said...

Seriously cute and girly!

Mom-Friday said...

the settings are so charming, I love that floral-print chair :)

Michelle said...

The area is so colorful yet each color compliments to each other. They bring life to the place and the mirror is like showing you that you are beautiful.
Insulation Methods

jlonit said...

Meh. I liked this issue better than I have liked any of their issues for a long time. They have become too modern and boring - too much wooden flooring, concrete walls and minimalist styling where personality or individuality seems to be a crime. I'm losing interest in this publication.

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love the armchair! x

Karen said...

Hi Anna
When I opened the magazine I saw what you meant Beautiful colourful imperfection.At last a breath of fresh air.
Kind Regards

Sonsuz Dekorasyon said...

hi anna ı like your blog alot. as you see ı'am a new blogger. ı thınk that may be you can give me some suggestıon about my blog. thanks ..:)

Clare C. Whitaker said...

Great selections from the Vogue Living catalog. I love that first image! I hope you have a wonderful weekend Anna!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE how you can hang hats around the mirror ~ uber awesome!! :P
The patterns and design is gorgeous!!

richard said...

love that mirror with hats and the floral armchair looks nice.
hope VL sees this,
-richard from Ayala Land Premier

Trudys Emporium said...

Love the first room so cute & pretty x

Unknown said...

I havn't read this issue yet, but you have inspired me to do so!
I have a feeling I'm going to really love your blog! I just found you!
Nice to meet you.
Rach x