Tuesday 14 December 2010

A Beautiful Gift

I have been told I am hard to buy for. I am unsure why as there are so many things I love including books, beautiful soap, candles, flowers, old silver and table linen just to name a few.

I was recently given the most beautiful book from a friend. She is actually very clever as I remember saying to her quite some time ago I would absolutely love a copy of Cressida Campbell's book. Well, she remembered and over the weekend gave me the book for Christmas.

I could move straight into the paintings Cressida Campbell creates. I feel a connection with her work. I feel that she paints rooms and vignettes which have a real sense of the way we as Australians live.

I put her book on the top of the pile of books on my coffee table and everytime I walk past it, I smile. Now that is what I call a wonderful gift....the gift that keeps on giving.


Shell Sherree said...

What a thoughtful gift, let alone utterly lovely. {With regards to gift giving, I'm told the same thing, Anna, and I don't understand it, either!}

LetterLove Designs said...

Totally agree with you! I love this book too and you've reminded me that I have not bought it for myself yet! Love the pictures with an oriental influence - gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

And that is what Christmas is all about; the friendship of one who remembers the little things. Best, Roxanne

flowerpress said...

My husband gave me that book for my birthday exactly a year ago :-)
The paintings are great to see in real life too, huge and detailed and beautifully drawn.

Lisa Porter said...

Thank you Anna. I love this book, it's just beautiful. You have helped me figure out what I am giving a very special friend.
I've added ABT to my holiday gift column at TLPC.
Always great to visit with you...and I LOVE pink too!

Will @ Bright.Bazaar said...

Her paintings do look stunning - such depth of detail and colour.

I Dream Of said...

I could move into one of her paintings, too. So beautiful.

Unknown said...

So lovely! xx

Sarah York said...

This book is lovely. Such a wonderful gift!

Faux Fuchsia said...

Books are the best gifts ever.

my sisters say I am easy to buy for- they just always get something PINK!

plain jane styling said...

divine! what a gorgeous book,..and a gorgeous friend! (off to source a copy),...

Alicia said...

nice present!

quintessence said...

What a beautiful book and very thoughtful of your friend - good listening skills are so important!!

Luciane at HomeBunch.com said...

That's so special, Anna.

Gifts should always be given according how much you know the person and what they like. It's not how big how expensive it is, it's how related it is to the person, and how related it is to the moments you spend together.


Luciane at HomeBunch.com

purple area said...

Looks very interesting, a great gift!

Treadgold said...

I absolutely love Cressida Campbell as well. The detail and effort in her works are amazing, you feel like you are really in the room that she has painted. I think the fact they are everyday scenes with such vivid colour makes them so interesting.

Avril said...

The book looks wonderful but here in England I can only find a copy costing £100 on Amazon.
Is it available in Australia for a more reasonable price, does anyone know? If so I could ask a friend to get it there for me.

Kelly Polkinghorne said...

It is a wonderful book - glad you love it xxx