Monday 11 October 2010

My Weekend Ponderings

Loving check on check on tartan on tartan right now...

I never tire of seeing images of her....

It's great and it's our first Australian online design mag...

My little begonias which I arranged yesterday...

I spent my entire weekend pottering within the walls of our house. With the cyclonic conditions we are currently experiencing here, I thought it best to keep my family indoors wrapped in cotton wool! Despite my efforts, my 7 year old managed to get himself outside and enjoyed some moments of pure boy bliss in the mud on our block and then to my sheer amazement jumped into the pool in the freezing cold wind and rain!

I'm certainly not one to complain about this weather as I love it when it rains and I love what this rain is doing to my garden. Yesterday I cut a few flowering begonias which I arranged with some leaves from our garden in a little vase for the table as we had a family lunch at home around the dining table in our kitchen. There's something so lovely about eating around the kitchen table with family.

Whilst indoors on the weekend, I enjoyed catching up on the numerous blogs I follow {thanks to them for a couple of the images above} and reading the first Australian online interiors magazine, Adore which, excuse the pun, I adore!

Hope everyone has a great week!!


image 1 & 2 - via unabashedly prep, image 3 - adore magazine, image 4 - anna spiro


Anonymous said...

Plz send rain to California. K thx bai?

Kelly Green said...

i agree, that top image is pure heaven! KG

the gardener's cottage said...

hi anna,

the picture of jackie is so...perfect.


Sarah said...

Such a lovely image of Jack and Jackie, timeless...

Aprendeconvale said...

I do also like rainy days... as long as it does once... a month:-)))Lovely flowers!!!!

Faux Fuchsia said...

Love the Jackie snap. She always looked so elegant and peaceful, and wasn't she clever never to be photographed with a cigarette? Lucky you having begonias, I love them. So retro and cheerful and hardy. Rain is Good for the Garden and bad for the Hair. xx

Julie-Ann said...

Gorgeous pictures. Very pretty flowers. I'm glad you will able to enjoy your very wet weekend:)

Susan E. Harris-Gamard said...

beautiful the tartan and check pic. It's also nice to see begonias. Our flowers are dying here in New York :( Winter is approaching...

Splendid Market said...

We had rain, rain, rain this weekend -- and I loved it! Your son sounds like my daughter, she loves mud and a jump in the lake in the rain!!

The flowers are simply beautiful. Sounds like a splendid weekend.

Be Colorful Coastal said...

Love the picture of Jackie. I was such a dork. In middle school I read everything I could about her and asked for white gloves for my birthday. It was the 70's for God's sake. So uncool by then but I wanted to be just like her. :)
Pam @ becolorful

designchic said...

I also adore Adore!! A wonderful magazine with fresh and classic images and writing - spent waaaay too much time pouring over it this it!

taylor said...

Love all the images you pulled! Great bow tie!!So happy i found your blog!! : )


~Grace Happens~ said...

love these pics! i am now on a mission to find a gingham check shirt and tartan plaid bowtie for my son!

Bobbie said...

Very nice post. blessings, bobbi

copywaitress said...

I love this bow-tie:) have a nice week, xoxo

Maria said...

I found a really gorgeous photo of Jackie Onassis (then Kennedy) in an old and lovely Interiors book I own - she is with the late President Kennedy and looks so happy! If you'd like to have a look, here it is - x

Unknown said...

Lovely images! Put' Adore' already on my online list! So much fun to see the online magazines sprouting.
Did you see RUE?
