Life as I know it just doesn't seem to be getting any slower or less hectic. Sometimes I crave a more subdued life but I suppose that's just not me. I am one who loves things happening and if I wasn't complaining about how hectic everything is then I would be complaining about how boring and uninteresting everything is.
You see, I am juggling a few large balls in the air at the moment along with being pregnant with our second child, due to arrive early May {thought it was about time to disclose this information as clients have been looking at me in a strange way too scared to say "have you put on weight or are you pregnant?"}, we are renovating the shop which is very, very exciting. After being there for 10 years now, it is time for a freshen up and as the business has grown we are desperate for more space.
We have taken over more floor space in the upstairs section of our building which will accommodate a large client meeting room, my new office which I will share with Kelly who project manages all our work, and a large fabric sample room. This will enable the shop downstairs to extend through to the back of the building where my office and client meeting room is currently. With the arrival of our beautiful Stuart Membery pieces of furniture due late April/early May this extra shop space is going to be wonderful!

Here's a sneak peek above of upstairs. I took this photo on Friday. The painters are almost finished. The floors are still to be sanded and painted {white gloss} and lighting installed. We should be up-and-running upstairs sometime within the next month. I can't wait to have a special room to meet clients in. Downstairs has become so crazy and jam packed...an obvious sign that it was time to expand upstairs.

Not only are we renovating the shop, with the arrival of a newborn on the horizon, we have bought a new house which is larger than our current cottage with more land as well. Although I will be so sad to say good-bye to our little house {and the fact that I didn't really get to finish it off the way I wanted to} it just won't accommodate our needs with our growing family. The new house, which is actually a very old house and was built in 1887, is going to be a wonderful project which I will keep you all updated on as we move forward.
So, with all that is going on it was nice to spend some time pottering around the cottage this weekend. I was inspired by the vignette I posted on Friday to move a few of my things around. I purchased some orchids and clustered them on our entry table on a silver tray my mother gave me. Whilst I pottered around, Ned just couldn't help but bring lots of mud into the house on the white floors. So many people ask me how I feel about our white floors. I must say they are so hard to keep clean with a big Golden Retriever bouncing in and out of the house but I do love them and continue to put up with having to have them cleaned 3-4 times per week.
Anyway, that's it from me for now. There are a few more very exciting things in the pipeline but those things are for another day. I just thought I would bring you up-to-speed with what's been happening in my world lately.
all images - anna spiro
Hi Anna,
Long time follower, rare commenter here. Congratulations and best wishes for the second baby! The changes sound very exciting, both for the shop and the new home. I'm particularly excited about the home.... can't wait to see how you'll decorate it!
Keep us posted....
Wow, you have been very busy indeed Anna! Congratulations on bubba # 2, the renovations at your shop and the purchase of your new home... very exciting and all such great achievements so well done! I look forward to hearing all the details over the coming months :) x
long time reader and fan of your work...congrats on such wonderful changes in your future. look forward to seeing and reading all about it!
Congratulations!!!! I was wondering when/if you'd have more children :) Very exciting!
Anna- Congratulations!!!!!!!!! So happy for you and soon coming new addition. Babies are such a joy!!! And how exciting about your new offices. Lots of new beginnings.
I've always wondered about the white floors. We painted our bedroom floors white last summer and I have no clue on the proper way to clean them? Last week we tried soft scrub (do you have that in AUS) anyhow, it cleaned them ok but made a huge mess. Would love to know what you use to clean your white floors or any tips you have!
Again, Congrats!!!!!!
xx Trina
la la lovely
Hi Anna, How exciting!!!Can't wait to see the pics, let me know if I can help source any vintage goodies for the new home, cheers Katherine
can't wait to see the upstairs when you are done! And I agree about white floors, I love them but boy are they tough to keep clean! I just got done cleaning mine today! Love the orchids too btw - they are my fav!!
Your ideas and photos are so beautiful they make me want to live at your house. I'll help change nappies I promise!
Wow, congratulations Anna! V. exciting news indeed!!
I hope you're planning on having a nanna nap this afternoon - new baby on way, new shop extension, new home...and I thought my life was busy!
Fabulous news, all of it. Really looking forward to seeing how they all develop :)
Anna, the first image of the orchids against that fabulous painting, gorgeous!
Congratulations Anna on your pregnancy and the expansion of your store. Your success is very well deserved! You manage having such a successful career and maintaining a lovely family life so well!
I look forward to dropping into the store in April to see all the new changes! x
did you say your preggas!!!
I have never commented on your blog, but I thought it was time since I follow it everyday that you write. My name is Candace and I live in Memphis, Tennessee (yes, Elvis) in the USA. A huge CONGRATULATIONS on the pregnancy! I just had my second a year ago (her birthday was last week), which was less than a year after having my first (his birthday was last week too!). You will love it! Thanks for all of the beauty you put out here. I love your blog!
Your home seems to be going splendidly. I love the colour scheme you're choosing. it'd be so homey and cosy when its completed :)
Anna, I loved you blog and your pictures. Congrats for expanding your shop, you baby and your new house. It looks like this a good year, I feel it in my life too!I´ll follow you from now on!
Congratulations, Anna!
Congratulations on the new baby, the store expansion, and new home. Great things are in store for you, and thank you for sharing them with the blogging world!
Congratulations Anna, on everything! How excited you must be about a new baby and 2 new projects. Can't wait to see them. And just so you don't feel like you're on your own enjoying the craziness, I'm exactly the same.
Congratulations Anna. Wonderful news. Perfect timing for a newborn going into winter. Lots of cute little beanies and booties! Your little boy must be over the moon with the impending arrival too. A-M xx
Now that's a busy busy life! Great though to have everything going well family,housing and business....stop now and again Anna to sit and smell the roses though as time flys...babies,youngsters etc. grow sooooo fast! As for not finishing the cottage don't worry houses are never finished...look at Brooke at Velvet and Linen's changes and evolving of late,once you think you are done well.....ltime to quit! Congrats on the new baby....rest up and take care of yourself!
Cheers Heather
New house, new baby, new shop - goodness me Anna what a busy few months you will have! Congratulations on all of the above!!! KG
I love the ornate detail around the light fixture. cute dog too!
Congratulations on all your wonderful new Anna, what a very exciting time it is for you, the business and your family (and of course gorgeous little Ned!!!).
Wishing you continued success and fulfilment, and I look forward to visiting your divine store one day.
Best wishes,
Haven Home
Wow Anna - lots of huge news! Congratulations on it all & I can't wait to follow all the happenings with the new baby, home & shop. Enjoy the frantic pace but take care of yourself.
Love, Katie
Sounds like 2010 is going to be a very exciting year for you! Many congratulations on your pregnancy and wishing you a healthy and enjoyable third trimester. Looking forward to seeing pictures of your new house.
Clare x
Congratulations Anna on the baby, business and the new house. You sound so wonderfully busy but all very exciting projects. I hope you have a little girl I can't wait to see a little girls' nursery decorated by you. Also I will have to plan my next visit to Brisbane to see the additions to the shop.
CONGRATULATIONS! How much excitement have you got in your place?
And a new babe, the most wonderful of it all.
I have a question for you. How do you prepare your roses for vases. I had a friend give me a beautiful bunch the other day and with in a few days they have all wilted. What is your secret for long lasting blooms.
Tamara x
wow! what an exciting year you have ahead of you Anna. Congratulations on .. everything!
fantastic! Hope you are saving some chill out time for yourself in what must be a very hectic schedule right now!
congratulations on all counts...a new baby on the way, a move, an expansion! I'm always inspired by images of your shop and work.
Oh my goodness congratulations on EVERYTHING Anna!
Hi Anna,
I have been reading your blog from the very early days, but have never really commented before. I think your work and blog are amazing! I just wanted to say congratulations on the expecting baby, Black & Spiro renovations and the new house. It all sounds so exciting and you do a wonderful job of balancing it all and keeping your blog fabulous at the same time.
I can’t wait to hear of all the fun to come!
Best of luck
=) Megan
hi anna i found your blog from links through usa, i love your shop in new farm, which i havent been to in a while as we moved to the sunshine coast but will drop in soon to check out the reno's, love your blog and the ned, he looks like a fair version of our dog kara and we have white floors also!
Congratulations Anna. What wonderful happenings in your gorgeous world.
Congrats on the wonderful business and baby news Anna! How exciting.. can't wait to see the new aspects of the shop
Congrats, that all sounds very exciting!
congratulations on your soon-to-be arrived baby!
and another new home to work on! so soon after current one! how lucky! sounds like a lovely old home to get your hands on!
the expansion of your shop sounds exciting too!
looks like 2010 is looking to be a great year for you, the shop and family! blessings to you!
WOW! Congratulations for so many reasons - baby, house & shop renos - it'll be a massive year for you. Am sure you will continue to do it in style & hope that you will still find a little time to post some piccies of your beautiful projects every now & then for us! x
congratulations....and am sure that the shop will look lovely with all the new alterations...X
wow!!!congratulations on all your wonderful news Anna! no doubt the coming weeks and months will fly by for you and your family and co-workers :) I can only hope you are able to find a little time to keep us up-to-date, lol.
best wishes :)
OMG Anna!! I'm so thrilled for you!!! What an incredible year you are going to have. I'm truly excited. Congratulations!
Anna xox
It seems 2010 will be a fantastic year for you ... everything souns so fantastic. Bisous
CONGRATS to you Anna - new baby, new home, new office... things always happen in threes which means more chaos but more fun too! how exciting! looking forward to following the new adventures...
Congratulations! That is wonderful about the baby and the shop. What is the pale pink paint color?
Congratulations are in order on so many fronts....if the expansion of the store and buying a new house wasn't enough, the icing on the cake is the baby. I hope you are taking good gentle care of yourself.
congratulations on all your news! so much big change happening!
congratulations anna! you are expanding in all directions at once, which cannot be easy. all wonderful news, best wishes.
Hi Anna: wow, congratulations and good luck...you are so lucky and I love your blog and checking in every day to see what's new in Brisbane. How exciting to be expanding both in work and at home! Can't wait to see your finished rooms and what you will do with your new home. I love your design style.
Hi Anna: wow! congratulations! I love your blog and love to check in every day. How exciting that you are expanding both at work and at home! Can't wait to see the finished rooms at your store and what you will do with your new home...I do love your style. Good luck with all of it!
oooh congratulations! How lovely to hear all your exciting news, and how exciting having a wonderful new (old) house to 'make your own'.
Oh, my goodness! Congratulations on everything, but most of all that new baby. Don't forget to sleep, though I'm not sure when you'll find the time.
Wow, you are a busy woman! Congratulations on the baby, the new house, and the new office upstairs. I am very happy for you and love to visit your blog for inspiration.
Oh my goodness!!! So many congratulations are due! First, the baby--amazing! How wonderful it will be to have another little one running about. Second, the new house---1887?! I'm dying of envy and can't wait to see what you do with it. Third, the office renovation---I'm in love with the sneak peek you've given us. You're such an inspiration as a career woman---just look what you've done with black + spiro. Thank you for sharing all this with us. Hope you're having a lovely weekend! XOXO Katie
oh my goodness!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! on so many levels. a new house, a new babe, and more space. my dear, what a fantastic list of changes in your life! can't wait to hear more on all fronts. sending you big hugs from the states... xoxo
Anna I would say that your plate is more than full but with such wonderful things going on. Congrats on baby #2 that is truly exciting. The birth of a baby,new house,expansion of business, Oh My!! I know you are going to continue to go onward and upward. Best Wishes Kathysue
I feel your pain with dogs and floors! I swear my two purposefully shed!
What a lovely post, a charming insight into your life. I'm very glad you told me about your white floors as I constantly dream of having the same. We're in the middle of a particularly long cold winter in London and I can't imagine how expensive it would be to heat my deratched Victorian house if it had wood floors. I fantasize of underfloor heating of course.
I wish I was busy as you, I'm an art director for tv commercials here and work is worse than slow for me. Which only compounds the fact that all the time mow spent at home unable to re decorate even though the ideas are in my head there is no money in the pot. V frustrating. I an trying to get pregnant with child number 2 so far unsuccessful after a year now!
I always follow your blog, perhaps especially as you are in oz where I'd live to be - I did my year there in '95 and miss the lifestyle there, those amazing queenslander houses to live in.
So thank you Anna I can vicariously live the dream through your blog,and if you ever want to swap !!!
Anna- congratulations! if you think it is gong fast now just wait when number two arrives! All the best to you and yours. can't wait to see the new arrivals...
Congratulations on expecting your second baby! You have tons of exciting news w/your new house and store remodeling.
...OMG, so much in store for you and you family, I wish you so much joy, happiness and success!
Thank You for sharing such important and personal news with all of us...... Good luck with everything!
Anna, that color pink is what I had for my Daughter. Love the Doggie. Congrats on the New Australian Saint St. Mary of the Cross. yvonne
Congratulations on the addition to your family. What a lot of work you have with your shop and a move. I wish you and your family the best.
Your blog is such a delight.
Congratulations Anna! On all the lovely exciting things happening, you shall be very busy indeed. Love your pretty new vignette, I have had my eye on some orchids myself, I might just have to go and get them now :)
Congratulations Anna on all the arrivals, expansions, additions and new adventures you have coming soon. What a fun time for you. Thanks for a blog which is always a feast for my eyes.
Marion Brown
Wow, thank you so much for your lovely and encouraging comments. Although I have so many exciting things happening it is also very stressful at the same time!!
Thanks for following my journey!
Congrats Anna on the new baby, shop, & house! Hope all goes well...looking forward to seeing snippets of your new (old) home! Tracey & Hayley xx
Gosh you have so much going on in your life right now!
Congratulations on all the new things going on :)
I can't wait to see pictures of everything.
I hang out for every one of your new posts, you are very inspirational to me.
Thank you for continuing to blog
Just had to congratulate you Anna, that is all such exciting news, I'm truly happy for you and looking forward to all the posts about your new adventures in life!
Congratulations Anna...Obviously a lot of new beginnings in your life and how exciting they all are :)
PS May is a very good month, I should know hehe!!
Wow ... you are one busy lady!
Congratulations on all your new endeavors.
So many wonderful news! Congratulations!
how exciting! i was going to comment on the orchids against the poster and how perfect they looked, but a hearty congratulations takes priority now. wonderful news!
WHEW... i am exhausted just reading this... congratulations on everything... esp your new little bundle arriving soon... remember to take time to rest... xx pam
Congratulations Anna, what lovely news! Baby, New Home & more Office/ Showroom space - a real tri-fecta!
What's your EDD? We're due 8 May with our first baby...Like you my clients who saw me at 3 months & then when we visited again at 6 months, thought something was a little strange, not just a few extra baked dinners!
I'll look forward to seeing what you get up to on all fronts!!
Oh & congrats on making the H&G Advice column in the past month!
Take care, Sarah x
Palatial Living www.palatialliving.blogspot.com
Verandah Home+Garden Living Solutions www.verandahhomeliving.biz
Wow! Congratulations Anna! What wonderful and exciting changes- xo
I want to offer my most sincere congratulations on the impending arrival of your second child. How exciting! I can't believe how much energy you have to keep so many plates spinning! xx
Lovely to hear your bambino news Anna, you must all be very excited, especially Harry! Looks like 2010 has some beautiful moments in store for you all.
Millie ^_^
I wanted to paint my boards white too, unfortunately when I ripped out the carpets they were too damagaed to salvage. I think your room will look gorgeous once finished.
Hi Anna, Congratulations! Such an exciting time for you. 2010 is definitely your year! I look forward to returning to Oz to check out the changes and hopefully another getaway at Straddie. Cheers to you, Jennifer
Congratulations Anna, that is wonderful news on all fronts. I really look forward to seeing all your new projects 'come to life!'
Janette x
Oh Anna - that's wonderful news. Congratulations. It's always the way that everything happens at once - but revel in it. xxx
Congratulations Anna! Such fantastic news on all accounts. I'm sure you'll handle it all beautifully.
Julia, CasaSugar
Congratulations, Anna! Such an exciting and busy time in your life! I too tend to thrive on the pace but long for things to slow down all at the same time!!
Enjoy all the fun changes!!
Congrats on all your news! (PS Your Golden poochie is lovely!)
fantastic anna, really great. i especially admire that you have kept your private world to yourself until you felt ready to let others in. i wish you every success both personally and professionally. x
congratulations on your pregnancy and on your exciting move to a new house! i love your blog and bet your are the lovliest person. best wishes to you.
Hi Anna, I'd love to know the pink you've chosen in your new office renovations. You posted the picture of Hamish Bowles home from Vogue Living recently and I love that pink too. I have totally white interior walls but am going to do a feature pink wall in my bedroom and am trying to match it to the Vogue pic. Do you mind sharing what pink brand and colour you are using?
yeah - another pretty baby.
So thrilled for your sweet family!
xo - Emily Paben @ wide open spaces
love the pink on the walls..what color is it....i have been dying to use this color but not sure where yet...also we hd our wood floors painted gloss white and love them i have some photos towarsd end of my blog ..enjoy your renovation...suzanne
my god!!! very beautiful roses and other flower also so nice!!!
I'd also love to know what pink you used...it's the perfect shade and so nicely executed...can't wait to follow the rest of the renovation and decoration!
oh, and huge congrats on everything!!
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