Friday 10 July 2009

A Perfect Spot

A beautiful bookcase vignette filled with lots of special things, a gorgeous blue and white slip covered sofa and fresh flowers - perfection!!


Exquisite Accessories said...

I would be fighting my husband of to sit there what a great library!! love it. :)

Julie@beingRUBY said...

So So gorgeous. Thanks for the link. Julie

Callie Grayson said...

and those flowers are stunning! love the pinks with the blue sofa!

orange sugar home said...

love the fabric on the sofa as well!! super cozy room.

Yansy said...

Hi Ana, I love these spics. What an amazing space. I know I said this before but you are an amazing inspiration. When you have a chance please stop by my blog. I would love to hear of what you think of the forest I created in our master bedroom. Have a wonderful weekend!

Cancha-diction said...

oh this is gorgeous! I like the concept of your blog!

Fashion Schlub said...

oh! those are like *perfect* bookshelves - just the right "book" to "stuff" ratio (I believe that's a legitimate decorating theorem and term). Love the pictures hanging down the center...uh, beam? And the two pairs of staffordshire dogs up top, delightful :-)

I've been working on my bookshelves lately...had gone through a brief "I want spare, clean" period and removed all the "stuff." But I'm sad without my stuff around, and it's gradually coming back, piece by piece. And I've been working on arranging my books by color! Not as easy as it looks!

Bettye <- who has true appreciation for well-outfitted bookshelves

Ree Childs / Realtor / Shop owner said...

I have a nice collection of Staffordshire dogs - love the ones in your photo. Later on, I'll try and get mine posted. I have them in a cabinet with some other Staffordshire pieces that I truly love.
I enjoy your blog.
I must take the time to work on mine -

vicki archer said...

Perfection indeed Anna, xv.

Southern Foothills said...

Yes, I agree........A PERFECT SPOT!!

NicNacManiac said...

LoVe it, especially how the liquor is just off to the right and all you have to do is turn, pour and continue reading!! Perfection!!

Wallflower Diaries said...

ove it. I have 4 book shelves right now in my little apt. I can't live with out them!

red ticking said...

do you know what the fabric is on the sofa? so lovely... pam

Robyn said...

Does anyone have ideas as to where I could get this - or similar - fabric that is on the couch? I love it.

Traveling bride said...

I dream of having a big bookcase like this

kristi @ lovelyvelo said...

Tastefully and whimsically disheveled, just perfect!

Julia said...

I want this! So lovely.

Beth Ruby said...

That top photo is so cute!
I want those shelves with all the lovely little books and things...
Beth xx