Hello again! I'm back from my whirlwind trip to Sydney. I had the most wonderful 2 days on my own pottering around visiting a few of my favourite Sydney haunts. I found some wonderful treasures for Black & Spiro and a few very special pieces for clients! It was such a successful little trip.
Michelle Adams' talk was very inspiring. I was lucky enough to spend some time chatting to her prior to her presentation and she is just as I imagined she would be...so passionate, stylish and dare I say cute as a button!
I picked up a gorgeous book, Parisiennes - A Celebration of French Women to add to my ever expanding collection of books and loved this quote above. It was so in tune with how I felt while I was away. Spare time/pottering time/treasure hunting time is such a luxury for me and these last couple of days in Sydney certainly felt supremely sublime!
Anna, I'm glad you're back, I've missed your posts! If you have the time have a look at my little blog: http://emma-inspirations.blogspot.com/ Pia did a post on me yesterday :-) x
a lovely quote and sentiment...so well put!
I am having the best time scouting treasures for my vintage shop... I love doing this on my own, in my own thoughts and space...
you have incredible style, I love visiting your blog!
what a gorgeous quote!
I love this quote- words to live by, don't you think?
Glad that you had such a nice and successful buying trip. Can't wait to see some of your treasures.
Oooh Anna.. I feel I've found a treasure just in reading this quote. I LOVE it.. I am not so good at this .. so it is the perfect little reminder to just let time pass and not be so rushed!
So glad you had such a lovely time!
xx Trina
I am so happy you are back!
Glad you had a successful trip! Hope we get to see some of your goodies!
Oh I have never been to Australia, and I really want to visit. Love that quote too! x
michelle is soo great! I just did a house tour of her on my blog!
I completely understand the joy that time alone can give. I think we should all get a day a month to do whatever we like, no washing, no cleaning, just pottering and cuppas at cute cafes.
Jenny G
Sounds like heaven Anna. Glad you had a wonderful time!
That book sounds interesting... will have to check it out. Cheers!
I know exactly what you mean Anna. Kids keep me so busy, I don't know how I would find time to work!
You are one lucky girl!! I love wasting my time is something I " LOVE" to do .. such as blogging , writting , playing with my little one , and collecting design ideas!
Time is what I would create too.... together with my stuff!
Time is what I would create too.... together with my stuff!
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