I am really needing some help from you. Within the next 3 weeks Absolutely Beautiful Things will have a new customised appearance which will be very exciting. Therefore, I am wanting to get everyone's opinion on my black background. I am tossing up whether to keep it black or to change it to white or another colour. I would love you to voice your opinion in my comments box below or alternatively you can email me directly on anna@blackandspiro.com.au
I think the black makes it easy to read. I like it.
Some famous decorator once said every room should have black in it and I've always followed that advice. The color seems to ground and looks good with just about all hues in the color wheel. I vote to keep the classic black -- like "little black dresses," timeless, always in vogue.
p.s. It's hard to imagine how you can improve on the look of your blog for it currently is stunning; however, understand the desire for a change and looking forward to your new look, althogh I will miss what you've got going on now, which feels very comfortable to me.
I say ditch it! I love your site and read it every day, but the ONE thing I don't like is the black background. It makes everything harder to read, and then when I switch back to normal black-on-white writing, I have black bars in front of my eyes from your site.
The new background doesn't have to be white, but I would LOVE if it was light-colored, with darker type. Be creative! You certainly have that gift. What about a pretty creamy ecru color, or the slightest tinge of rose, or a light slate blue?
Anyway, that's my vote. :)
I think the black background looks good but makes my eyes hurt a bit. So maybe you could change it?
By the way, I really enjoy your blog!
I think a lighter color would make your images pop. It's rare to see photgraphy or art framed with a black matte, and I think it's for that reason, one vote for a lighter background!
I think it would be a good idea to change it from the black. Will make things easier on the eye.
Black is not my fave, I would like to see it a different color. Maybe white with the pink post title and black post type. Like it is, only reversed.
Keep it black! It's gives your blog an elegant look that goes beautiful with your posts. I enjoy your site very much.
I love your blog!! That said, the only thing I do not like is the black ground. Good luck with the redesign!
Personally I love the black -it makes the picture POP and so I can take a break from autocad and have it blend in with the black screen! White is really boring and other colors will clash or blend in with the photos.
I like the black. The images you post always have a graphic quality that the black shows off.
I say no to black (although it is easier on the eye than reading dark text on white background), and yes to white or even a light pink (seems like your colour). Can't wait to see the new look!
I think black is good. It really makes your images pop. :)
Oh, thank you so much EVERYONE for your honest feedback. It's so great to hear from you all!! It's also very interesting to hear your thoughts on this subject and I will be considering everyones comments when I make my final decision.
Thanks again!
Some colors are just so hard to read from. I love this black.How can you improve on perfection?
i heart your blog - the black, not so much. i think white is a much cleaner way to display all of the pretty things you find.
the balck background is the first thing i noticed about your site ...its not bad and makes your site a bit more unique. i noticed that when you add pics that have lots of colors , they look great with blk background. i say keep it, it makes you, YOU!
Besides most of us have boring white.
I agree with the black lovers. Elegant and makes the pictures pop. It's so hard to get a background colour that works with all pictures. If not black then white.
Hi Anna,
I like the black and white or cream would work nice too. Any of those would showcase the beautiful pictures you post really nicely.
I'm not at all into black, it's probably the last colour I would ever choose except in clothing HOWEVER I think it looks really good and suits your photos and your 'look'. The photos really do stand out and look really modern and funky on the black background. But it is harder to read the white text on black, or any colour on black background. It would be great if the background could stay black but for the text part to be a different colour but I don't think that can be done!!!
Having said that, another colour that is still plain and unpatterned would look great and make your photos stand out too... Why don't you try experimenting with photos on a graphic program and see what looks best behind the pics to show them off, while still being a good colour for text?! LOL not much help am I!!!??!
OK -- I thought a long time about this...I spend less time at your site because of the black background. I LOVE your site and your pictures -- yet, reading in the black background is uncomfortable. I agree with others that the pictures pop out more and it adds a certain elegance, but the words are jarring with a black background. Thanks for soliciting advice...
I love the black. It's classic. I vote for you to keep it, however, if you do decide to change things up I am sure whatever new colour you choose will be great and I look forward to your new format.
The one and only thing I haven't really liked about your blog is the black background, as it's so overpowering and the text is harder to read. Although it does set your's apart from other similar blogs I follow.
I have to say. I like white. Black for me has always been harder to read.
Love the black.I also appreciate your large font. Keep up the beautiful blog.
Designer Junk Finder
I have to say, I don't mind the black since it seems to be a signature color but change is always good. Best to your new designs.
Keep it black! It makes pictures pop, and works great with the rest of the colours. I love your blog! It's a daily must read for me.
I just found your site and I love it. The black background however I am not fond of - hard on me to read the text. Your pics are great and I think they would stand out regardless of the background. I look forward to seeing more great stuff!
i love the black background and i love your site. i have been on it on and off this weekend. i could not wait till my house was empty and i was not distracted so i could look all the way through it and go to the various links you have on your site! so much fun for me.
maggi in florida
i vote for black too! it really makes your blog stand out..
love your work!
I love the black also. I think it suits your style. I do not find it hard to read, but maybe change would be good!!
i quite like the black - its got a sohpisticated feel to it and makes your beautiful images pop!!
having said that what about shades of blue...nothing bright or funky but blue is soothing to the eye...
I'm just someone who stopped by after following a link here, so take my comments any which way you will. The thing is, photographs do look good online when set against a black background and that's because they are backlit by our monitors. White text on the other hand, when set over top of a black background, will burn a hole in your retina. Ok, maybe it won't burn a hole in your retina, but it sure is hard on the eyes. I vote for anything besides light text on a dark background.
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