My Mum & Dad - A tearful good bye to Casa Billa

View of Home Beach from the deck
Inside Casa Billa
Tomorrow my mum and dad will hand over the keys of our family beach house at Stradbroke Island to it's new owners. It will be a very sad day for my family. 18 Years ago my parents purchased a block of land on Stradbroke Island which, at that time, was a very strange thing to do. All of their friends thought they were mad - why would they want to build a house all the way over there? It is so remote and you have to catch a boat to get there - not at all convenient. However, this was to be my mother's dream home and the place where we, as a family of 5 would go every weekend. My parents both worked very hard running their own business so this would be their special place to be with their family. I have so many fond memories of the times we spent there.
Last night my parents hosted a party at the house for all of their friends as a farewell and a celebration of these wonderful times. It was a fantastic night but also very emotional. It's funny all of my mum and dad's friends that were there last night, the ones who thought they were mad buying over there, now all own properties at Straddie too. I'm just so proud of my pioneering parents!!
As my husband, my son, my brothers and their partners and I left the house today we left our mum and dad there with tears in their eyes. We had some last family photographs taken inside the house and then it was over. Our 18 year relationship with that house was finished.
But, all is not lost because 4 years ago mum and dad purchased another property on the Island which is a very beautiful place and this is now where we all go to be together as grown ups with our families and friends.
Thank you Mum & Dad for all the wonderful times we spent together as a family at Casa Billa. I don't think I really appreciated how hard you both worked to enable us to have that special haven but I do realise now and I just hope that my son loves every moment of the time he spends at the house that my husband & I have purchased at Straddie as we too have to work very hard to be able to afford our special piece of paradise.
Goodbye Casa Billa. I will always remember the wonderful times we had together. My wish for you is that your new family will love you like we did and please give them as much enjoyment as you gave us.
So sad to leave old loves. But so exciting to discover and create new ones...Are you decorating?
What a beautiful and peaceful looking interior.I would be sad to leave as well, if it was my home away from home.Gorgeous ! Best wishes to your parents for new and exciting things to come.
What a wonderful house and the location looks like paradise. I am glad to hear that after the good-bye a new project starts. Is your mum an interior designer as well? I like your taste and your blog a lot!
What a sweet and heartfelt tribute, Anna. It sounds like Straddie is a beautiful place to live - or at least have a weekend home. As Maryam asked,who is decorating the new property?
Beautifully door closes and another opens!
Lovely story and sentiments. Just think of the fun times you will have making this new house a home, only this time, you can do it together, as the first time, you were too young. This new experience will be wonderful and very special!
Thank you everyone for your kind comments. I'm sure my mum will have tears rolling down her face when she reads this when she gets home tomorrow. Thank you for your thoughtfullness in leaving a comment. Mum and I will work together decorating and designing their new home. There is currently the most gorgeous little cottage on the property which is right on the beach and they will just renovate and extend it so yes it will be a lovely project for mum and all of us really!!
Thanks again!!
Lovely memories and a GREAT
I feel your attachment and your sadness of letting go - though you will always have the fantastic memories as the next chapter unfolds. Thanks for sharing your tribute to your pioneering parents and Casa Billa!
I am sorry your parents have to leave this house that you guys seem to love so much, But I am sure you'll be so more happy in the new one. And I am sure you and you mum will decorate it beautifully.
P.S. Stop by my blog and take a look of the slide show of my wedding pictures. :)
What wonderful memories. I remember when my parents sold our 'shack' at Bicheno (east coast Tasmania) in the 90's. We'd been going every summer for 20+ years. It was very sad - like selling my childhood.
What a beautiful home and a beautiful story. It sounds like your memories are even lovelier than the view.
Anna, we have been so happy to be a part of your mum & dad's life at Casa Billa - from their very special gift of our honeymoon almost 17 years ago to watching you, Nick & Sam grow in such a wonderful family enviroment. Your tribute to them is beautiful and testamount to your love for them.
Here's to the next 20 years - cottge style!
All our love
Thanks again everyone for stopping by and commenting on this particular post. This post is very close to my heart so all of your comments have meant so much to me. Thanks again!! You are all so very wonderful!
What a beautiful tale!
Don't you just hate goodbyes? What a sweet, touching story. It brought tears to my eyes. How wonderful your parents are to have provided such a magical place for you kids growing up. And how wonderful you are to write such a loving tribute and "thank you"!
Gosh for a moment I thought that was my father, he looks in that picture exactly like my father!
p.s. Your Blog is beautiful!
hello, my name is Valdilene very beautiful the beach australian paradize, his country looks a lot like my tropical country with beautiful beaches, its taste for interior design is unique
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