Friday, 30 March 2007
One More for the Weekend...

What Are You Doing This Weekend?

Photo courtesy of flickr
Thursday, 29 March 2007
Daily Paintings

Wednesday, 28 March 2007
A Room I Have Just Completed
Tuesday, 27 March 2007
Straddie Amity Cottage
Monday, 26 March 2007
A Summery Porch
I love this Summery white porch by Jed Johnson above. In Australia we would call an area like this a verandah but I love the American term for it which is "porch".
Thursday, 22 March 2007
An Extended Weekend at The Beach

Wednesday, 21 March 2007
Roadside Junk

It's these interesting pieces in a home which add personality to a house. These things make it home!!
Tuesday, 20 March 2007
More Images from my "I Love" File

Sunday, 18 March 2007
A Tribute
My Mum & Dad - A tearful good bye to Casa Billa

View of Home Beach from the deck
Inside Casa Billa
Tomorrow my mum and dad will hand over the keys of our family beach house at Stradbroke Island to it's new owners. It will be a very sad day for my family. 18 Years ago my parents purchased a block of land on Stradbroke Island which, at that time, was a very strange thing to do. All of their friends thought they were mad - why would they want to build a house all the way over there? It is so remote and you have to catch a boat to get there - not at all convenient. However, this was to be my mother's dream home and the place where we, as a family of 5 would go every weekend. My parents both worked very hard running their own business so this would be their special place to be with their family. I have so many fond memories of the times we spent there.
Last night my parents hosted a party at the house for all of their friends as a farewell and a celebration of these wonderful times. It was a fantastic night but also very emotional. It's funny all of my mum and dad's friends that were there last night, the ones who thought they were mad buying over there, now all own properties at Straddie too. I'm just so proud of my pioneering parents!!
As my husband, my son, my brothers and their partners and I left the house today we left our mum and dad there with tears in their eyes. We had some last family photographs taken inside the house and then it was over. Our 18 year relationship with that house was finished.
But, all is not lost because 4 years ago mum and dad purchased another property on the Island which is a very beautiful place and this is now where we all go to be together as grown ups with our families and friends.
Thank you Mum & Dad for all the wonderful times we spent together as a family at Casa Billa. I don't think I really appreciated how hard you both worked to enable us to have that special haven but I do realise now and I just hope that my son loves every moment of the time he spends at the house that my husband & I have purchased at Straddie as we too have to work very hard to be able to afford our special piece of paradise.
Goodbye Casa Billa. I will always remember the wonderful times we had together. My wish for you is that your new family will love you like we did and please give them as much enjoyment as you gave us.
Friday, 16 March 2007
New Things at Black & Spiro
We received some gorgeous new things in the shop this week. In particular the white box side tables which we wallpapered in mismatching wallpapers for our next display and some gorgeous big blue and white ginger jars which I also ordered for our new display.
Thursday, 15 March 2007
Pools From My "I Love File"
It has been such a hot Summer here in Australia so I thought I would cool things down a bit for my Aussie readers by posting some of my favourite pool images. The top image is my all time favourite pool and pool house which was featured in Elle Decor. The middle image is a new favourite which was also recently featured in Elle Decor and the last image I just love because of all the potted pink flowers.
Wednesday, 14 March 2007
New Ralph Lauren Home Collection
OMG - If you haven't already seen the new release Ralph Lauren Home Collection - Beach - then you need to visit the site now!! As always the experience is a jaw dropping, eyes hooked to the computer, devine, drop dead gorgeous, I wish I could have EVERYTHING adventure!! And the waves rolling into the beach with the beautiful music in the background - well what more can I say other than I'm dreaming!!
Tuesday, 13 March 2007
Gorgeous Things

A Garden Party

Classical & Stylish

Monday, 12 March 2007
Collections - An Important Design Element

When decorating I always love to scour my clients homes to find old treasured things which they have thrown into the back of a cupboard or drawer. I like to pull them out and place them in a collection on a piece of furniture like a coffee table, side table, sideboard or sofa table. And if a client doesn't have some goodies stowed away I often take them shopping to create their very own collection of things. A person's home should be a reflection of them not a reflection of me so even though I design their rooms and homes I do like to add a touch of them whether it's some old shells they collected years ago or old family photographs reframed, old books or even an old chair recovered - a piece of my client's life is always an important element of my design.
Sunday, 11 March 2007
Fabulous Furniture

Friday, 9 March 2007
It's the Weekend!!!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I'm so looking forward to having some time to relax with my 4 year old and my husband and maybe a long walk along the beach on Sunday morning to get my creative inspiration moving!!
Oh and just one more thing, I would like to thank all of you for your continued support and for visiting ABT!! Thank you also for all the wonderful comments you leave. I would love to hear from where you all come from and what inspires you so if you have the time over the weekend please introduce yourself and tell me what inspires you!
Thanks again!
Thursday, 8 March 2007
Grace's Bedroom
This is Grace's bedroom which I have just finished. Grace is a young teenage girl who loves pink so this is what I created for her. I am just finishing off a built-in desk unit which I have designed with pink and black patterned wallpaper sections so I will post pictures of it once it has been completed in a couple of weeks. She sure is a very lucky girl to be able to have this as her haven.
Wednesday, 7 March 2007
David Bromley
David Bromley paintings above from Tim Olsen Gallery

Today my design assistant Avril posted on her blog, Jane d'Avril about Australian artist David Bromley who is without a doubt my most favourite artist in the world. I have 4 of David's paintings myself and I would love more. The reason for all the discussion at Black & Spiro today about David Bromley is because Sally who is my dear friend and also my office manager at Black & Spiro is about to purchase one of David's beautiful paintings. She has been looking at them for over a year now and we think she has found "The one". I think she'll be doing a lot of nice talking to her husband tonight!! Good luck Sal - I really hope you get it. If you want to see more of David's beautiful pieces go and have a look at Avril's site and also some of the gallery sites I have listed above.
Tuesday, 6 March 2007
Swirly Curly Garden Furniture