Thursday 8 February 2007

The Simple Yet Stylish Bedroom

I like all of these bedrooms above. They are all very undecorated and so simply put together yet so, so beautiful. What do you think - would you prefer a completely decorated bedroom or a more relaxed thrown together look like these rooms above?

**NB - I am not certain of my sources for these photographs as I have collected them in my photo file over time. Apologies if I have offended anyone by posting these photos. If so, please email me. Thanks so much!!


Maryam in Marrakesh said...

I think that they are very serene and pretty but there is just no way I could NOT put something behind that bed in the last pic.

Jo Walker said...

Lovely images Anna. So relaxed and inviting. Love the blue in the last photo. A stylishly curated bedroom is gorgeous but the thrown together look is so liveable.

kim. said...

Love the pics - I think I have all of those saved too! Just thought you maybe should mention your source. You don't have to post this comment. :) Just looking out for my friends!

The Peak of Chic said...

Beautiful photos. For me, I prefer a bedroom that is decorated, but not too much so. I think I fall somewhere in the middle.

Anonymous said...

The one on top is so relaxing, and the elements so casual. Love the koi painting. What I really like about the blue and white is the dark shutters. I think they really give it that tropical je ne sais qua. Gosh, it's beautiful. The pink room is from Domino and I remember that they painted almost their entire house pink. There is no way with their children the house could look like that - so barren. Where is the spaghetti sauce on the wall, the stray ball? I don't like when magazines feature impossibilty. It bores me.

Anonymous said...

I am with you, I am into undecorated places. I like the casual,clean and peaceful feeling of rooms like that.
I love your blog, I enjoy reading and looking at all your postings, lovely work!

CeLee said...

love the pink and white room - so chic!

Gypsy Purple said...

Lovely.....for my bedroom, I prefer a more decorated look


kstyle said...

I love the undecorated look. As long as it "feels" beautiful. And all of those do, k

Di Overton said...

It's got to be the top one for me. I love black and white interiors and the striped sail above the bed. That's one beautiful room.

Anna Spiro said...

Maryam I agree with you - to create this look it takes a lot of restraint and that is something I don't have but I still really love these bedrooms and I think I would love them in a beach house and then I could still have a more decorated room back home!

Anna Spiro said...

I think I agree with you POC - not too decorated but not too plain. Definately somewhere in the middle!!

Anna Spiro said...

Thanks Anonymous for your lovely comments!! I'm glad you enjoy reading ABT.

Anna Spiro said...

I love that pink room too Celee!!

Anna Spiro said...

Di, I love that first image too. I actuall love that whole house which I have saved in my "I Love" file!! It is to die for!!

Anna Spiro said...

Thanks MCJ, Pink, Gypsy & K for your comments. We've had a mixed bag of comments with this opinion poll - some like a more relaxed look, some like a slightly decorated look and then some like a decorated look!! It's been great to see your mixed comments!! I can't decide so I think I have to have a simple, relaxed look at Straddie and a slightly more decorated look at home!! Thanks everyone!

Eric R. Rickert said...

i'm a big fan of the simple, serene bedroom, but i'm having trouble achieving it.

also, the first and third images are from domino mag, but i can't recall which issues.