Even though to some this room may appear messy; to me it is just so simple, lived in, unpretentious and gorgeous! I really do love this room but as I have said in the past about all white rooms I would not be able to hold back on throwing some beautiful colourful cushions on the sofa! Lots of beautiful pieces in this room!
Image Courtesy of Bountiful Home
The chandelier is hanging at an interesting hight, very low, very charming.
This room is gorgeous! (And I completely agree about the colourful cushions on the sofa.)
I love the table!! I have a really hard time to find a nice table to our sofas.. xx
Yes it is Suzie!
Me too RNVL! Cushions just make it all don't they!!
Dreamhouse - have you tried Ebay!!
So very elegant, love the unfinished paint furniture and that chandelier is to die for.
Great room. Kind of mysterious in a way.
Very intimate! low chandelier & the closeness of it all.raw & natural, Old world charm with European accents in the details!
I Love it all ~ even just one tiny bit of our home could use this style. Thanks for sharing.
Love it!
I'm loving that table and mantel.
Beautiful room. Waiting on my own chandelier to arrive this week. So excited. You have a lovely blog.
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