I found this beautiful shop via Pink Wallpaper blog (a gorgeous blog BTW) today - Hudson located in Boston. I'm sorry if I'm a bit slow my American blog friends but I just love the look of this shop and I had to post these images of this chair they had on their site for Courtney @ Stylecourt as it is upholstered in a fabric she loves - Schumacher's Chiang Mai Dragon. This one's for you Courtney!!
anna, thanks so much for your sweet comments about my blog and i'm glad you like hudson as much as i do!
Wow - everything old is new again, isn't it? It is very bold to upholster two chairs in this, I think. I tend to be more cautious and save those glorious patterns for the pillows.
I love this fabric Anna! It's great to see it on a chair and not just a small swatch!
This is such a fabulous chair. Patterned fabric upholstered chairs are so popular right now, as seen at Anthropologie.
Anna, What a beautiful site! I love to decorate my home and there is so much inspiration on your pages.
Beautiful shop! I've been stalking ebay for this fabric ever since Courtney shared some links.
What a great find!! Love it.
oh, i love that chair. Very beautiful blog you have here!
A huge thanks again. How fun to see it made up on something large -- and upholstered -- now I can really see it as a headboard.
It's finally happened, I drooled on my computer, I can just see myself sitting on these chairs, sipping an ice cold chardonney looking slim and fab as my two toddlers sleep like clean cherubs in the next room....ok, it's my fantasy, let me have it! :)
Hi Shannon, your blog is great! Thanks for the heads up about Hudson - I just LOVE their things!
Oh, me too Ronda - this fabric is just so colourful and gorgeous!
Thanks Leticia for your very kind comment!
Thanks Katie!
Courtney, I just couldn't help but post these pictures for you. I think this fabric would be so perfect on your bed head!!
Always Wistful - thanks for your comment it made me smile!!!
Wow, what beautiful photos - love all the COLOR! Hudson looks like my kind of shop and I will have to visit next time I go to Boston. Thanks Anna AND Shannon!
so busy...but I still love it..especially since it would make a room spark!
Gawd.... stunning! Anna I think since I last posted here on your blog I was telling you about my bentwood chair.. well since then I've 'kinda' accumulated more chairs. My latest being a spindle rocking chair.
Seeing this chair makes me want to have a go at choosing a fabric to reupolster one. If only I had the room....
Mrs Potter
Beeauuutiful! And thanks for the link to Pink Wallpaper!
I live in Boston (and LOVE Hudson!). My boss actually bought that exact chair (from Hudson) over a year ago. It is super comfy and looks so amazing in person!!
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