Monday 20 July 2009

Stepping Outside

I've been collecting a few pictures of some outside areas I like. I thought I would share a few of them here with you. Creating a space outside which feels like it could well be inside is something I love especially living here in sunny Brisbane where we practically live Summer that is!!

Image 1 - via the libertines, Images 2, 3, 4 - via sweethome style


The Blushing Hostess said...

I love the outdoor sleeping porch/ dining room!

Karen said...

I wanted to congratulate you on being mentioned by Phoebe Howard your work is certainly fabulous and your blog is inspiring.I love the way your not afraid of using colour
Kind Regards

Southern Aspirations said...

Oh, I love these! I think the blooms help to make the outdoor space.

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Anna the first pic is so sweet. What little [or big] girl wouldn't love that!

vicki archer said...

I love taking the inside out in the summertime - a great way to live, xv.

Becky said...

Beautiful! Outdoor spaces can make such peaceful retreats :)

all*over*print said...

love the images
thanks for sharing

nevin said...

I want a live there.. So lovely..Especially the first one:)

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

The first picture looks like a little fairy tale cottage - I love it!

Eileen said...

Love these photos. I'd love to live in the little cottage at the top!

Tamerie Shriver Halliday said...

I love the cottage at the top of your post. It looks so fairy tale-ish.

Freck said...

These pictures are just stunning.

Zuniga Interiors Design Studio said...


Outside rooms and patios are my favourite- I sold a few vintage tea tables through my design studio for clients loggias. (like the one in the pic you chose) I love to see what you post- your blog is one of the first I visit in my day!

Take Care!

Knitty, Vintage and Rosy said...

The first one and the third one are my ideas of outdoor cosiness and comfort.

Thank you for the images, they are definitely something to strive for!


Lisa Borgnes Giramonti said...

I am swooning over that first photo and now wondering if I could build a teeny enchanted cottage like that in my back garden. Thank you for the wonderful inspiration. xx

Powered by Tofu said...

I just found your blog through Decor8. You have a gorgeous home!

orange sugar home said...

lovely photos of very relaxing spaces. I need this inspiration to make something of my little backyard.

Jen @ said...

This is a great idea. maybe I'll take this up as a weekend project. It's perfect if you have a patio or porch but a 'not so great view' like we do...

Anonymous said...

Oh, I want to live in all of these spaces - they are beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

Emily L. said...

There are few things that make my mouth drop open and the exclamation "I WANT!" break forth so much as the cottage house in the first image! I want to miniaturize it and stick it in my pocket.

Traveling Mama said...

I love these photos! How serene, casual and relaxed!

Karen Orr said...

What lovely pictures.

I love the tiny building by Tom Callaway.

To see more of the work of Thomas Callaway & Associates, see the website:

Anonymous said...

What a charming, lovely little cottage! I would LOVE to have a little weekend getaway like this! Thanks for sharing =)

Pretty Lovely said...

My patio is really sad to look at. These photographs really inspired me.

Thanks for sharing!


Sam @PrettyLovely

Olha Pryymak said...

oh my! you'll be seeing a watercolor of that overgrown shed very soon on my blog! thank you for posting this

preppyinnewengland said...

I just love your blog. Outside spaces are my favorite too! Anyone can do creative!

Fashion Schlub said...

that rose-covered cottage at the tippy top is just TOO too darling! i would love to hide away in there...

Startswithana said...

I really like your style, it's very much like mine!
I would sooooo love to live somewhere with that outside decoration, it's so beautiful

Alicia said...

First image is so Beatrix Potter charming!!!
Much congrats to making your way onto Phoebe's list. So well deserved!!

Renae Moore said...

Great photos....I love all of these outdoor living areas.

Karena said...

Having space out doors that is a haven is so wonderful, an extension of your home!

Anonymous said...

this is stunning!! I wish I had space outside like this.

Amanda said...

Oh my, these are gorgeous.
I've always loved the idea of an outdoor area.
Rachel Ashwell has some great ideas about them in her books. She puts daybeds with cushions and all sorts of glorious things on hers.

Unknown said...

Oh My...These photos are all so beautiful! They make you want to take a step into the photo. Daisy~

parisienish said...

i want to take a nap in all of these pictures. a nap followed by dessert and coffee.

Francy said...

Beautiful pictures for my eyeis. In my blog have more too

Karli @ RockyBella said...

I LOVE that first picture with the ivy all over the roof. It looks like a fairy tale. I want to live in that little cottage. =)

Monica said...

True to your blog, these outdoor spaces are "Absolutely Beautiful Things"!!! Creating a stylish, livable space outside is just important as creating one inside - especially in California where you can be outdoors pretty much all year round!