Well, that's all from me this week. I am taking an early mark and heading away for a few days. I'd just like to thank the Skirted Girls again for having me over at their table this week. I really did have such a wonderful time. Thank you also for all of the beautiful comments you have left me this week too. You are all very, very kind. Looking forward to being back here next Tuesday. Have a great weekend!!
Image via Lolitas blog
Querido novo amigo ,estou precisando muito dos amigos pra me ajudar a montar o Projeto Miniblioteca Comunitária Anareis,esse projeto é composto da minibiblioteca e outras atividades para crianças e adolescentes na minha comunidade carente aqui no Rio de Janeiro. Sou humilde e sozinha não vou conseguir,já consegui comprar 120 livros e ganhei alguns livros de amigos blogueiros ,até de portugal por intermédio de meus blogs do google:(Eulucinha.blogspot.com ),se quiser visitar esses blogs,ficarei muito feliz. A campanha de doações pode doar de 10,00 a 30,00 no Banco do Brasil agencia 3082-1 conta 9.799-3 ou pode doar livros ou pode doar máquina de costura,ou pode doar retalhos,qualquer tipo de doação será muito bemvinda. As doações em dinheiro serão para compra de livros,estantes,material de construção,mesas,cadeiras,alimentos,etc. Se voce puder recadar doações estarei agradecida. Muito obrigado por sua atenção.
Anna, have a wonderful, leisurely break. Wishing you the scent of wild flowers, freshly laundered linens and a few good bottles of wine over your break.
Take care,
lovely photo. i want to be that woman. or at the very least, have her dress :)
Phew - you scared me! When I read the title, I thought you weren't coming back!!
Have a great time away! I too will be enjoying a nice long weekend away at a friend's cottage - ahhhhhh!
Great image! Have a fabulous weekend! :-)
Hi Anna! It was so nice hearing your voice with the Skirted Girls! I enjoy your blog. It has such inspiration. Good luck to you in your new ventures with the store. I am sure you will do great!
Have a great weekend!
What a fabulous photo...it says it all! Janell
Anna, have a wonderful get away. I am getting ready to listen to the Skirted Round table featuring YOU!
Superb photo!
Have a nice long weekend
hi anna.. :) i have been a regular at ur blog.. :) just want to say that week seems to come to an end so soon with ur blog.. and before we knw it.. there is the friday flowers blog on the post.. :) have a great weekend.. :)
Have a great weekend!!
Enjoy, enjoy!!
Great roundtable too!! It was lovely to put your wonderful voice to your lovely face!
Have a great weekend too!!
I finally found a moment to listen to your appearance on The Skirted Round Table and was so impressed! I was struck by how humble you are when it comes to your many accomplishments. It is so inspiring to hear that all of your hard work is really starting to pay off. Hope you're enjoying your time away!
hi! new to your blog and i love it. i am wondering about the Lulu 2 Seater... kate.jill.lines@gmail.com
Love this photo! That would be me, with the heels off!;o)
Great weekend to you too.
Love from Norway and Hanna
perfect photo to say so long!! happy weekend.
Have a great one, Anna!
What a fabulous guest feature on the Skirted Round Table! Your blog is one of my favorites- I love to see what inspiration you bring forth next! You were so gracious and don't nearly give yourself enough credit for your beautiful talent! Take Care!
Zuniga Interiors
I hope you had a lovely longgg weekend. I must say I absolutely love the image you chose for this post.
we LOVED having you. You brightened my week, and our audiences with your infectious love of life..
Loved hearing you on the skirted round table - I saved it to listen to whilst puttering around my office, it was lovely to hear your voice after reading your blog for so long :)- best!
This picture is awesome it could easily be from one of Fellinis movies. Curvy girls and farewells.
she really is, such a talent.
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