Thursday 14 May 2009

Dreaming of Faraway Places

I woke up this morning and for some strange reason I had Paris on my mind. I then started to think of Positano in Italy and then I went on to think of Lake Como and Venice and my final thoughts, before I dragged myself out of bed, were of the Notting Hill markets in London.

After dropping Harry at school, I came to work and I heard the girls talking about Paris and my mind started to drift again. Then I was flipping through my photo file on my laptop and spotted a few images of some more special places. I don't know what's wrong with me. I wasn't thinking about these places yesterday. I must have caught some sort of travel bug overnight.

Gosh I hope I am better tomorrow as I don't think I could stand another day dreaming about these beautiful places without transferring a few frequent flyer points and hastily booking some flights...mmm an early night might just be what the doctor has ordered for me to rid myself of these dreadful thoughts!!

Image 1 - Corrie Bond Photographer, Image 2 - Corrie Bond Photographer, Image 3 - Source unknown, Image 4 -


Millie said...

Oh dear Anna - it's perfectly OK to have these thoughts, maybe it's your Travel Agent sending you subliminal messages! Paris calling is just too hard for a girl to ignore.
Millie ^_^

Slices of Beauty... said...

Beautiful, love the last one!
Hope you feel ok after some rest.

Jen Laceda | Milk Guides said...

Dreamy, dreamy, dreamy....Nothing wrong with amental escape!

Rosalina said...

Oh gosh, how much I miss Europe.

amber darling said...

Is that photo of the beach contemporary or vintage? Its too too gorgeous!

kate said...

Great Post, I love to dream that was me in photo above.....
Thanks for dreaming

Katherine Lee said...

I am definitely always suffering from a case of the travel bug, especially when it comes to Paris. I was lucky enough to study there, and there's something about that place that just stays with you. Have you been before?
xo Katherine aka. Urban Flea :)

Karena said...

Anna, I love these images, takes me away and darling stitchery!

georgia b. said...

love the cross stitch e-mail. :)

and that beach!i want to go.

naphtali said...

I've been hit with the same travel bug. Would be nice to just pick up and go, aye?

Zuniga Interiors Design Studio said...

Paris is always on my mind too! Love anything related to The Eiffel Tower! I even have some French music on my blog-Love it! I did a post on your Home Tour- your house is fabulous! The elements and color, the mix just love it!

Take Care!
Zuniga Interiors

Kasey & Mel Kluge said...

Anna, This happens to me all the time, so I completely know what you're talking about. I studied in Rome for about 6 months and every now and then, I am so tempted to quit my job, get on the next plane to Italy.

Love your blog, by the way.

Kasey & Mel Kluge said...

Anna, I completely understand what you're feeling--- it happens to me all the time. I have been to Europe several times, and studied there for 6 months...Every now and then I am reminded of the lifestyle I once lived and am tempted to quit my job for some remote villa in Tuscany.

Love your blog, by the way.

Jules @ Lovely Las Vegas said...

Oh! This is a constant issue with me, hehe. Always dreaming of distant places, even though I'm perfectly content where I am... I think it must be an incurable case of the travel bug. I hope your acute case clears up with some good rest tonight. But now it will be I whow is dreaming of Paris, and Monaco... etc. (again!) because of these lovely photos.

Jules @ Lovely Las Vegas

suGar,Honey,bAby,doll said...

I've been virtually traveling this morning. It seems that you're not the only blogger with a getaway in mind:) Beautiful photos. Beautiful blog.
Zoey Valentine

Pretty Lovely said...

I wake up thinking of Paris at least once a week. The funny thing is that I have never actually been to France. I think my new french lessons are going to bring me even closer though!

Love the photography!


Sam @PrettyLovely

ana said...

I love your post

KR said...

i love a good travel day dream!

Jojo said...

Sometimes its those dreams and fantasy getaways that make some of the hum-drum days bearable. Hope you get to travel soon but in the meantime, keep dreaming.

Trish @TheOldPostRoad said...

Yikes! I hope you realize The Travel Bug is extremely contagious. My bank account cannot handle that virus, right now!

Found said...

I've been going through the same thing, for about a week now. Must be something in the air!

Yoli said...

I wake up like that almost every day. I suffer from tremendous wanderlust.

paper in style said...

Me too! I've been thinking about the Amalfi Coast!!!

Unknown said...

Perfect places to dream about!
♥ Jen

Caroline said...

I love beautiful luggage. How sad that most travel today involves being herded around like cattle with luggage that comes out the other end looking like it was stomped on by a gorilla.

Rosa said...

When I'm in Positano I often think about the beaches in Queensland. The grass is always greener...

Daly Essentials said...

OOOhh gorgeous pictures! I wish I had that luggage and I wish I was on that beach!

Alkemie said...

I had to smile when I read this post. Especially because the places you mentioned are among my faves too. Fabulous pictures to go with it too. My mind is always dreaming of far away places :) I'm going to London in a couple weeks and definitely hitting those Notting Hill markets. Thanks for the very fun post.

Karen O.

Bochenko Artdeco said...

Love this car and its red interior! Looks very fancy and very french!

Joanna Goddard said...

oh, yes, the embroidered text message is by ginger: -- isn't it great?

Erin Ferucci said...

I really love your blog Anna. It's so well done. AND I have actually been to Brisbane. (My brother liven in Toowomba) Thanks for sharing!

you can see my blog about Los Angeles: