I never tire of seeing India's absolutely beautiful house so I thought I'd post these fresh images as featured in Domino. Clear evidence that white on white on white with bursts of colour here and there, mixing of furniture styles and collections of special things on display truly works!! Enjoy!!
Photo by Miguel Flores-ViannaJune/July 2007 as featured in Domino magazine
Absolutely gorgeous. The light in this house is incredible its so motivating. I love the mix in furniture and I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with a big black dog :P Too cute for words
really love the house....can smell the warmth...beautiful
I never get tired of her either! All the fresh white. I modeled my kitchen after this feeling. Love it!
just stunning... i can't get enough of india's homes!
i love that Hicks hex fabric on the Louis chair!
thanks for posting these, but didnt they show up in an issue this summer, not the one from this month?
I adore India's style! Her home, it's location, the people and the style would be my ideal place to live. Unfortunately every now and then I have to do a reality check and remind myself that I can't afford it :)
Hey! I love the 3rd picture down on the white House. The setting with the trees are so pretty!
What I really love about India's style is that it doesn't impact on her life. Her dogs are welcomed on her lovely white and pink covered chairs. I believe that this is the soul of all decorating - that it not impose on the daily comfort of all members of a household.
Have a lovely weekend.
I love the old F&M picnic hamper!
Love these pictures. It's great to see more rooms she's designed in addition to those featured in Island Life. Thanks! Michele
the globe is gorgeous!
Do you think they are all travel books around that gorgeous globe?
I love her house ! Very fem
Hi Anna! I have quite a few clients lately that that love this look! So I have had some fun with it in a few settings! I even have a lot of (antique white) white walls in my own house. I really like playing with textures, pops of color, and mixing things up rather than relying on colored walls every time.
Glorious "dog" house. I like the dog sitting so elegantly in the bergere chairs!
Wow! These are great photos!
White on white on white definitely works! I really need to repaint my desk this summer! This is inspiration!
India Hicks is such a stylish woman! I have very much enjoyed her book "Island Beauty". Balanced and at peace with herself and her environment and it shows on her home, too.
Those images are truly inspirational and beautiful! Thank you. It's funny how the clothing industry and interior design have similar trends. Right now, it seems like wearing all-over white or beige with bright-colored accessories is the newest in fashion.
My favorite picture is the last, with the regal dog perched upon a pretty pink chair surrounded by a sea of white. Very elegant!
You know I love her style! And her piece in the latest domino was so beautifully written.
it's very fresh. puts me in the mood for summer! it's hot here in LA, feels like a summer's day.
the post interprets my mood. now i just need a cool iced tea
I love oriental, modern bohemic style but as am married to an scandinavian man that love minimalism, so it's hard to blend our likes.
Only our bedroom that have a spice from the orient or asian.
I never showed lots of pix in my blogs yet as am jst starting and we're moving in another house in a month.
I love your blog and will come back to get some ideas and apply in my crib.
Have an enjoyable w/nd.
Well - we all obviously love India's house! Thanks everyone for your comments!!
Love the teal clock in the first photo!
i adore adore these pictures!
I never imagined white on white could look so good!
The house is lovely. White is a wonderful inspiration to work off of but you need to know how to work it.
How could anyone EVER get tiered of that! It's all so gorgeous!!!!
I love that old worn globe as the centerpiece on the coffee table. What a great idea!
how in the world does she keep that white on white so perfect with dogs? Our puppy sheds like crazy and I can only dream of getting a white sofa because if I did really get one I'd go crazy de-furring it every day.
Yes. Total love. This has been what fuels me this past year: neutrals with the pops of color in accessories...and as others said, lots of attention to tone and texture in the neutrals. My first thought seeing these again? Fresh. The rooms seem very fresh.
I'm totally drooling over her chairs!! Everything pops out so much on her totally white background!
This is so clean and worldly, how are the floors kept so brilliantly white. What a chore it must be to maintain! The natural sunlight illuminates everything she owns and makes it all that much better. Just great. I came across this blog while finding out what else she has in her India hicks line of products.
My new inspiration!! I found your blog while search for India Hicks to see if she had a website. Love your blog and will be back to say hi soon! Mel xx
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
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