Another wonderful portrait in this image above via
Cottage Living Magazine. I am completely obsessed with vintage lady portraits at the moment as you all no doubt can tell. Lyn over at
Paris Hotel Boutique has a couple currently available but I must say nice ones are proving to be a little hard to track down. Even good old reliable
Ebay isn't throwing any my way!!
You are right...absolutely beautiful!
Just lovely, really!!
This is a beautiful portrait. I have loved your last ten posts, they have been very inspiring.
Anna, art is always such an important part of your interiors. It's fun to see how your interests evolve!
this is so beautiful...i love old portraits too...gorgeous feel to this one!
love the challenge of painting your portrait, send me a photo and I will rise to meet it- and paint it!
Ahaaa....but that's the fun of ebay, you look, you wait, you watch and then you pounce !!!
I have the same obsession, I must admit!
Thanks Diana!
Oh, thanks Corine! So glad you've been enjoying my last few posts!!
Thanks Courtney!
Just Imagine - you are so right!!
The display in front of the portrait makes it even more beautiful. In the beginning I thought that they were part of the painting. The 'yellow' makes a great complimentary color to the black in the painting.
i totally agree with you!!! you took the words right out of my mouth. i LOVE portraits but they are impossible to find.
(in fact, i wrote this post on them:
where are they all?!?!!??
I am on the lookout for paintings too. I will let you know if I find anything!;)
This is beautiful, the objects in the foreground look so realistic.
so beautiful,so feminine!
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