Check these out: Christian Lacroix designed Evian water bottles which I found via Pomegranate & Patchouli. I'm so envious as I haven't seen these in Australia. Here's the scoop from Pomegranate;
"This time, it was Christian Lacroix, people! Christian Lacroix!! The French designer created limited edition bottles for French water-producing company Evian "Pour les fétes"- translation for the celebrations/holidays. I think the idea was absolutely genius! There's a pret-a-porter bottle, and a couture bottle. Personally, I prefer the pret-a-porter one. It's so pretty (inspired by snowflakes and winter) and delicate."
Wow I just think they are gorgeous. Wouldn't they be lovely placed down the middle of a dining table set for dinner with a pretty flower in each one!
Hey Anna!! Great find!!
They are so pretty in a glass lacey kind of way :-)
Isn't Pomegranate a lovely blog!!!:-)
There is beauty everywhere!
Stunning! Who thought a water bottle could be so beautiful? Great!
You know, they are so pretty I may be willing to drink some water just to get the bottle.
p.s. the snapshots in the side bar are also lovely - too bad they do not enlarge, would love to see more details.
Best of luck - you do a great job!
gorgeous - just absolutely stunning!
i can't even imagine what i'm going to do without one of these for my flat.
i'm off on the hunt...and i will not rest until i find one. i'll let you know if i get one!
These are so delicate and beautiful! I love these, Anna.
Hi Anna - I spotted these in an advertisement, and have been hunting for one for a while. If I come across them I'll let you know!
Thanks Isadora - I might need to check with Felicity over at All Things Bright & Beautiful as to how I can make the pictures in the sidebar clickable!! (She has been running a blogger help series)
Oh, I agree Bexy - let me know if you are successful in finding some!
Oh, please do let me know Mim if you find any in Aus!! I'd love to get some - I just think they are so pretty! I'd love to use them at a function!
SO Pretty!
The bottles are fabulous, so much so that I would actually buy Evian, for the bottle of course ;)
Absolutely beautiful! Haven't seen them yet here in Canada, either ...
Wow..you hit the motherlode with a whole case. I love these. They'd made a great summer time vase after you drink the water (if you decide to drink it!)
And have you seen the red one, too? That is so Lacroix!
Thanx for the mention ;) I know they r so beautiful.
Stunning and romantic.
I just saw these over the holidays at a local grocery store. I was very intrigued by the design. The price ticket was quite high.I like your suggestion, Anna, to use them down the center of a table filled with flowers.
Stunningly beautiful ! Not seen them before. Don't they just take plain old water and make it a work of art.
Wow. Those are the most lovely Evian bottles I have ever seen!
Boy, he can make anything look good! Guess design really IS everywhere!
wow! this is definitely a new one. Designer water bottles. Brilliant.
I have bought many things just for the packaging, and would definitely buy these - gorgeous! Lana
I have these available for sale, you can email me at pontalexander@hotmail.com, or see my listings at ebay.com, my user id is premium_luxury_water, I have sold many and ship them safely overseas (I'm in Canada). I do have a website, too, evian2008.com. They really are very pretty in person, I keep an empty one in my den in the windowsill, and they speak of innonence and beauty. : ) I think in the summer I'll put daisies in it.
love these! will go to the ebay site above and see if i can snag a couple thanks for telling us!
I love these bottles I absolutely want some. I love Christian Lacroix's designing.
Love Tess
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