Thursday, 22 September 2011

H & M Time

Having our children 7 years apart has worked perfectly for us.  I couldn't have done it any other way.  However, the big gap does provide some variety...

1 1/2 year old Max loves his visits to Black & Spiro on a Saturday morning so much so that we have to put him on the pink step ladder because otherwise the entire shop would be redecorated {Max style}. He really gets excited about being at the shop.

8 year old Harry on the other hand immensley dislikes our Saturday morning visits to the shop.  He says it's boring which it most probably is for him considering I've been taking him in on a Saturday morning since he was little.  Notice how slumped he is in the chair at Black & Spiro.  He really loathes going to the shop.

I love the contrasts the age gap provides and no doubt by the time Max is Harry's age he too will be completely over our Saturday morning shop visits.

Talking about the kids, I really, really need to spend some time with them.  I have been working really hard lately and I need to take a very short break from the blog to have some fun with them. 

I'll be back towards the end of next week...not long!!


pve design said...

Anna - Our twins are 18 and our daughter is 12 - I could not imagine it any differently. I would have loved a few in between but I feel so blessed to have my 3 and to have had twins - It took me awhile to brave that 3rd child.
Enjoy them, it goes far too fast.

posie blogs Jennie McClelland said...

My brothers have a 10 year gap between my sister & i, it worked well for my parents too. Me, i popped out 4 in 4 years (twins in the middle) & that 2 year 4 month gap between them is perfect for us. Just goes to show how each family is so different. I've recently given up almost everything to be more available to my children (including the P&C) & i'm loving it, LOVING it. I've been a stay at home mum for a decade, designing from home but once they hit high school, they need a different level of their mummy. Love Posie

C. Anne said...

They are adorable, you should have a corner at Black & Spiro decorated by Max sometime!

Brown Button Trading said...

Enjoy darling girl! can't believe how grown up they both are (even Max, such a little man now!) love lots xx

TINA KENT said...

So adorable! lovT

Faux Fuchsia said...

I love your kids! I was just thinking how at our party Max stayed up til about 10.30 at night and played with all the big kids. Hope to see you and the garden soon xxx PS I'm with your mother- little boys are the absolute BEST.

Kelly Green said...

We now have a 13 yo, a 10yo and a 7 week old!! the age gap works sooo well and everyone is smitten with the new baby. (oh - and i have extra help too...!) Enjoy your time away. xx KG

Anonymous said...

Well Anna, there is 15 years between my eldest son and my youngest son, and 11 between the second eldest and the youngest, and they are all great mates. It all works out. Enjoy your boys!

Emily | Recently said...

My boys are 7 years apart as well. I love finding other people who have done the same thing! It does seem to raise eyebrows doesn't it?

Georgia said...

They are both so well dressed. They look like the gap models :). I want kids so I can dress them up haha.


Anchor Cottage said...

You're a good mamma to spend time with your sons. My sons are 30 and 27 and I miss those days when we were young together.

Bambi Kevichusa said...

Your little ones are adorable! Bless them!

Marielle said...

They'll survive! And thrive from all the obvious love showered on them. Mine also are 7 years apart, and we've loved it. They are now 32 and 39 years and extremely close and proud of each other. The years worked for me in finding my own way in life. Until grad school they weren't in school together. I loved those days-- meeting our adult children for dinner and the exuberance they shared with ideas, stories, and life in general.

Yes, they did have squabbles and she (even at 7 years younger) could out-maneuver and out think him at times. The age divide was all we knew, but I can adamantly declare it was great. It worked for the four of us.

(This is too long!) Surprisingly their kids dovetail in age-- his are 6-3-1 and hers are 4-2-newborn.

Marielle said...

They'll survive! And thrive from all the obvious love showered on them. Mine also are 7 years apart, and we've loved it. They are now 32 and 39 years and extremely close and proud of each other. The years worked for me in finding my own way in life. Until grad school they weren't in school together. I loved those days-- meeting our adult children for dinner and the exuberance they shared with ideas, stories, and life in general.

Yes, they did have squabbles and she (even at 7 years younger) could out-maneuver and out think him at times. The age divide was all we knew, but I can adamantly declare it was great. It worked for the four of us.

(This is too long!) Surprisingly their kids dovetail in age-- his are 6-3-1 and hers are 4-2-newborn.

Isabel Magnasco said...

Lovely boys !!! I have a 10 year old and a 4 year old boy but with a six little girl in the middle !!!

I think there are no norms, every family is unique !!!

Congratulations for your beautiful boys !!!

Isabel from Argentina

Kate said...

I have 5 kids...the oldest is almost 26 the littlest just turned two. It's interesting to see how different kids are, isn't it?

Annie Loveridge Interiors said...

Enjoy your break Anna. My two girls are less than 18 months apart, which seemed like a good idea at the time...until number 2 came along! It was tough for a couple of years, and I feel that I didn't get to enjoy the baby years of my second, but now it's fun with them. All age gaps are good for different reasons and it is all about doing what works for our own families I think. Have fun wth yours. Annie x.

Liz said...

always wish there was someone in chicago like you!

Roxanne said...

What a precious baby. . .and what a handsome young man. I KNOW that there are more exciting places to be than a decorating store--but I also know they will always cherish those Saturday morning visits. At least after they get some perspective. :)

Melinda said...

Anna are they seersucker shots I spy on Harry - can you reveal where they came from - love 'em !!

Danielle Sigwalt Interiors said...

Ha...too funny I'm currently pregnant with my second boy and by the time he arrives my first son will be just a few months shy of 11. And I don't have any in between...I have a feeling that I am going to have some pretty interesting days ahead of me. Your boys are too cute! Danielle

Beautiful House said...

I would love to visit your shop on Saturday mornings, enjoy your gorgeous boys.x

Katrina said...

Hi Anna, I haven't been over for a while. Your boys have grown! Off to check out your online store. K.

Brenda's Blog said...

Hi Anna,
Love your post! Adorable Boys! Beautiful have your work cut out for you! Enjoy your kids while you can...the store will be there!!! I admire you doing it all...much success to you in both! Hugs..Brenda in Texas

Dusty Coyote said...

I'm a new fan of your blog and store. Gorgeous photos. I also have two boys, but 6 years apart. 7 & 13 years old.They'd BOTH be slumped in the chair asking, "can we go now?" I also loved the paintings and checked out her blog. Thank you for sharing and inspiring.

annie@mostlovelythings said...

Your kiddos are adorable. Mine are 5 years apart and it sure made it easy to enjoy them as babies individually...although I'm sure it's a lot of fun having a bunch close together too...I can imagine my son (12)sitting in that beautiful chair just waiting to leave the shop and head out into the world of sports. I have to say for as much as he may loathe it he sure looks like he has a happy and sweet disposition. And you can't say that about all 8 year old boys. Enjoy!
xo annie

Chubby Chieque said...

You're right, Anna. Leave your business to your staffs you trust and spend some times together with your kids.

Remember, time flies so fast. If you don't grab this time? You might regret when you open your eyes, later.

I been there and now, wmy oldest is 26 yrs old, having his own, Gee... I seldom see him and that makes me mad for he was only with us for a year, the whole days of his life. The second is 19 yrs old and planning to move to NYC for studies nxt sem.

Enjoy & cherish your time with them is the most important thing parents do.

Happy break---

Greeting from Stockholm, Sweden

Lumen Drops said...

Cute kids!

la la Lovely said...

You're boys are gorgeous! I have an 8 year old and a 1 1/2 year old too (+ 2 others) but you are right the two ages are so fun and so different. Enjoy every moment!
xo Trina

Anonymous said...

WOW! I'm so in love with your blog, I just discovered it and I heart everything here, your store is amazing!
I have two boys 10 and 4 so I know what you're talking about, but If i could turn back time I would to the same and have them with years apart, they play a lot together now.