Wednesday 23 February 2011

Apple Tea Cake

Whilst I'm not a wonderful cook like others in my family, I don't mind cooking a lovely old fashioned cake every now and then.  One of my favourite cakes to cook is actually a lemon and coconut cake which is an old Woman's Weekly recipe.  However, I think my family may be a little bit 'over' my lemon cake so tonight I went in search of something new to cook.  I didn't have to search very far as I found a recipe I am going to try in the latest Real Living magazine.  My family and I are all heading away down to my cousin's beach house this weekend so I might just try my hand at this recipe tomorrow night.  I figure that if I post about it then maybe I will actually do it!!

PS.  Thank you all so much for the super kind comments you left me in my last post about my grandmother...Considering your interest in her, I might post more about her in the future.


  1. good luck with the cake.
    Appelcake is always a good one.

  2. Yummy!!! Spicy apple tea cake? Wow! This one sounds delicious!!! I love anything with apples! :-)

    Let us know how it turns out, ok?:-)

    Enjoy your day!


    Luciane at

    Post of the Day: A Retired Baseball Player's House.

  3. Have fun at the beach house, and that cake looks delicious. I always go for anything with apples when baking for my family!
    (I'm hosting my first giveaway this week!)

  4. Your grandma is so smart! And let us know how your baking goes - I'm no good at baking cakes - pies are ok, especially my apple pie - but cakes.... :(

  5. This recipe jumped out at me as well. I'll be interested to hear how it goes. It looks wonderful :)

  6. Ooo definitely make it and share the photos! We can vicariously join you for a bite!
    xo Isa

  7. Ooo do let us know how it goes! I would love to try it to if you can share the recipe!

  8. Sounds yummy. My 6 year old loves baking at the moment and we bake every Sat afternoon and then eat it while watching the Six Nations rugby!

  9. I love country style cakes. Would you post your lemon coconut cake recipe?
    I have a delicious spiced chocolate banana bread recipe that is to die for. My own little invention.

    Oh and your Grandmother is divine! Would love to hear more about her.

  10. I saw this too and was tempted to make it this weekend! Love your blog and your work Anna! xoxo

  11. I would love that lemon coconut cake recipe too -- my mouth is watering...


  12. Yes I saw this recipe in the mag too, let me know if its worthy of a bake up and I'll give it a go :)

  13. I am excited to see how this cake turned out! I hope it was a hit!

  14. How interesting! Years ago and I mean about 20 yrs ago my mom gave me a book called "Cakes and Slices" which was a collection recipes from an Australian weekly with that exact cake on the cover and everytime I think of Australia I think of that cake! I have made it many times and I live in Quebec, Canada a place with many apples! I have 3 apple farms within walking distance from my home! MMMmmmmmmmmmm! OH! and I love her too your grandmother she's just so lovely as you are.
