Tuesday 22 February 2011

I Love Her

This is my grandmother.  Her name is Ellie and this is what she was wearing when she came to visit me today at Black & Spiro.  She is one of the most stylish women I have ever met and I am so proud to call her my grandmother.  She has done so much for me in my life and I love her so much.


  1. Amazing. I'm only 30 but am tempted to keep this photo for inspiration when I'm Ellie's age. Just fabulous.

  2. She is devine!!! My nan just popped into work to see me too, and dropped off a photo album of her and my grandfathers honeymoon for me to peruse as we plan our wedding. Bless.

  3. Clearly style and colour are in your genes. Your grandmother is stunning, and how lucky you are to have such a special relationship with her.

  4. Your grandma is absolutely stunning Anna and her sense of style is divine...that dress is amazing! Thanks for sharing :))

  5. Awww that is soo sweet Anna...now we all know where you got your excellent sense of color from!!

  6. Anna I can see where you gained some of your style!! A great lady!

    Art by Karena

  7. She is gorgeous, Anna. Wow- stylish indeed, but this comes as little surprise to me : )

  8. Oh she is gorgeous and so stylish. You are blessed to have a grandmother! Mine was born in 1901 so our lifetimes really were not compatible and I never got to know her. Wow so many generations in your family to enjoy! A-M xx

  9. ummm, wow. What a stunner. I would be proud too! I can see where you get your fabulous taste from!

  10. How sweet of you to write about your grandmother. She really is stylish!


  11. Dear Anna,
    what a beautiful woman!

    Greetings from an Sweden,
    and Ulrika

  12. What a knockout!
    Style is obviously in your genes Anna.

    Felicity x

  13. Fantastic photo. I bet she is holding her sunglasses in her left hand...

    By the way, really nice window change. I bet you have folks commenting all the time on your efforts.

    Windows are the soul of a shop I think.

  14. Now that is a stylish granny! I adore my gran, too. She has been like a second mum to me and my fondest memories of childhood are my times spent with her.

  15. What a gorgeous photo, it made me smile so much to read this today!!!!
    Thanks Anna :)

  16. how lovely Anna, reminds me of the relationship I had with my grandmother - very special.

  17. Is it wrong that I want to hang her on my wall? Too. Beautiful. For words.
    Tell her (from me) that she is an absolute VISION.
    And PS Please show us what she wears tomorrow!!! (I think you've started something...)

  18. She looks so gorgeous! You are so lucky to have a cherished one so close by! X

  19. She is very stylish! You are so lucky to have a grandmother in your life. I lost both of mine in my teens, but would have loved to be able to share an adult conversation with them. I have an amazing great-aunt who I love dearly, but I have to admit, she's not quite so stylish as your nan!!

  20. Really....She is very beautiful and elegant.

  21. What an elegant lady! You are lucky to have her, and it sounds like you have a wonderful relationship! By the way, you are on my list of favorite Blogs! I really enjoy reading your wonderful and beautiful posts.

  22. Ooh she look very nice. Looks like a interesting woman :)

  23. Trè chic. How wonderful to have a grandma and one who dresses this way x

  24. I love when Grannies come to visit at work! Mine pops in every now and then after she's had lunch with her friends and she gets reception to call me up and let me know she's there. She loves when they make a fuss about how she's too young to have a granddaughter my age. She's always carrying her 'going out' handbag and wearing a special brooch for the occasion.

    Your grandmother oozes sophistication with her fringe and gorge bob. Bless!

  25. she looks amazing. she seems to fit right into the style of your store.

  26. I see style runs in your family~
    Your Grandmother is wonderful. Love her hair, her dress!

  27. She is adorable and totally gorgeous....I imagine that she is one marvellous and continuous inspiration Anna.....xv

  28. Wow, she is fabulous! She could be on the cover of a magazine. Isn't it nice to see women of all ages take pride in their appearance? Is she your father's mother? I remember your post on your dad's birthday and I think they look similar...hmmm.

  29. I am in shock that is anyones grandmother!!! She is absoultely adorable!

  30. What a beautiful woman! Her outfit fits in so perfectly with the store, I love it!

  31. She's so chic! I love her dress!

  32. What a nice post! I can understand your feelings, I also loved my grandmum, she was such an inspiration to me - I truly miss her!

  33. She is absolutely gorgeous and so stylish! I can only hope to be that glamourous when I get older. I love her outfit and hairstyle. And Black & Spiro living room vignette is SO CHIC! I just can't get over this image with the awesome artwork, bright sofa, fabulous lamp and your chic grandmother. I wish mine was still alive. I would have quite a lot of posts devoted to her and her leopard wearing style with belted leather coats...she was hip, not the cookie baking type at all!

  34. Love her, is it her shirtdress? Very pretty, and love the color..she does in fact look very stylish, style and grace do not know age.....and she is walking proof!

  35. I would agree...she is so stylish! She fits in perfectly with your shop in that gorgeous tangerine!

  36. Awww, that's so sweet!
    It's obvious that the love for color runs in the family :)!!

    Northern Light

  37. She looks fantastic in that bright frock posed in front of the green! What a gorgeous woman!

  38. Style must be genetic in your family! She looks like she would be delightful to be around!

  39. She is so lovely! You are so lucky...

  40. She's so beautiful stylish and elegant!

  41. My nanny was so stylish too. Love your grandma's dress!

  42. Wow, what stylish Gran! I named my Etsy shop after my grandmother and she is a real style and luxury inspiration to me too. :)

    To further promote women's style and grace I'm having my first ever blog giveaway, an amazing fashion photography book, Women Then. Would love for you and your readers to check it out...



  43. She is a doll. And you're right so stylish. Grandmothers are so special. Cherish every moment with her xoxo

  44. Tres chic...I want to dress like this when I am a grandmother. Heck, I want to dress like this now! Sweet post...

  45. She's just gorgeous!

  46. I love this picture of your grandmother and her dress - so perfect for your store! Just spent the day with "grandma" and my boys (my mother that is) and am constantly amazed at how stylish she is too. I'm so lucky to be in business with her as well!

  47. She is adorable! I love this photo!

  48. Anna! This calls for a coffee table book full of interviews & style advice from uber chic grandma's! And that haircut-100% on trend & I bet she's had it that way for years.

  49. Oh your Grandmother is spectacular! How fab is that shirt dress! I am so wearing a shirt dress tomorrow!

    Mrs. Kindergarten

  50. She looks fabulous!
    Tell us the story of her life.

  51. Loving Grandma's grey bob and orange frock.

    I miss my Grandma every day.

    I wish more than anything she was still alive especially now.

  52. Lucky Girl! I even love her hair cut. We can all aspire to be as stylish as she is one of these days!

  53. Anna not only a georgeous Grandma But a georgeous great grandma to Max and Harry

  54. Thanks for all of your amazing comments. She is such a stylish, gorgeous thing...I love her to bits and I might just do a post on her as some of you have asked to know her story. It is actually a very interesting one as she used to work in fashion with my great, great aunty many many moons ago!

    Thanks again.

  55. I am so inspired. Thank you for posting this fab picture of her. I would love to learn more about her.

  56. wow! i hope to be as beautiful and stylish at her age!

  57. What poise and dignity; an inspiration to other women. Thank you for sharing, Anna.

  58. I bet she loves you back times ten and is amazingly proud.

  59. With a grandma like that you were destined to have style. It is obviously that you have inherited her flair.
    Pam @ BeColorful

  60. She looks great. I like that painting and lime couch too.

  61. Oh my goodness, she is absolutely fabulous. What an inspiration. I am a grandmother too and I hope I am bulding the sort of relationship you have with Ellie. By the way, fantastic name, my little granddaughter is Ellie.


  62. She is so chic and wonderful! Where did she get that dress? I want one!!

  63. Anna, she is one stylish woman - i can see where you get all your colourful talent from now! KG

  64. She looks amazing!!!!! A beautiful woman with great style
    I envy you, both my grandmas have passed away :(

  65. We would love some more posts about your Grandmother. She is devine. I love her style!

  66. I love your blog, just became a follower!

    Your store looks amazing. I love it. And this post about your grandmother reminded me of my Mimi (who is in heaven now). Got a lump in my throat. Beautiful. She is a beautiful woman, and I know you must treasure your time together.

    All the best,


  67. Oh, I just wish I could see the shoes she was wearing!

  68. She is so adorable. I love a grandma with good style (:

  69. omg anna, she is SO stylish! i can only hope to be 1/2 that stylish when i get to be her age. what an inspiration. we don't have to throw in the towel just because we are getting older. LOVE IT.


  70. I love this post!!! Thank you for sharing this. I adore my grandmother and although she passed away 12 years ago, I feel that she's with me constantly. She was an interior designer, as am I. Her name is Judy...and my mother's name is Ellie!

    Silly coincidence, I know. But this was a good excuse to finally post a comment, as I've been following your lovely blog for a while.

  71. She is lovely. I am always envious of people who have grandmothers as grown-ups, but then I guess you have to have it together enough to be a young mom (and I certainly couldn't have pulled that off!)

  72. what an amazing lady! so stylish and beautiful!

  73. love this photo! truly inspiring and very chic! makes growing older less daunting!
