I have been thoroughly enjoying the posts Amanda has been running on children's rooms. She has been interviewing a few blogger's children and posting some photos of their rooms which has been so much fun! My Harry was one of the children to be interviewed about his room HERE. Thanks for asking us to be involved Amanda and I can't wait to see who's room is next!!
image - house beautiful via swish & swanky
Yes, those interviews have been great. I giggled at your son's comment regarding the dirt bike posters (or lack of :o)). I finally gave in and let my 12 yo daughter display her Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift posters and I cringe everytime I pass by her room but she is so happy...my 8 yo will have to wait until her 12th birthday to follow suit...I didn't spend all that time and money to have it spoilt by BRATZ posters!
I love your son's room - that sofa is great.
i adore this room...i just rearranged my youngest daughters room and am loving the change.
beautiful. loved harry's room, too.
Amazing blog Anna! Truly very inspiring and a superb eye I must say! :)
What a lovely room!! :) I love the chandelier!
Have a nice evening! XX Nicky :)
OMG! I am so glad to find your blog:) Those rooms are so lovely!!
Such a beautiful blog:)
Nozomi from
This is a super room. I really like that light fitting and would love to know where she got it - perfect.
Have a lovely weekend. Suzi
Glad I have seen this link. I have 3 boys and am always struggling with 3 different designs....
I LOVE that little sweet bed!!!!
Come on by and see my daughters room (it's under my design posts on the sidebar) would love your opinion!!!
Lovely to see Harry's views were canvassed Anna - little boys sometimes get omitted in the world of interiors! And if my 5 were anything to go by, boys have very definite ideas about how their rooms should come together.
Millie ^_^
Amanda's posts on children's rooms is wonderful. I loved the interview with Harry, especially how he would like to pin up some dirt bike pictures. I can just imagine that. It made me laugh! Hayley
Thanks for your kind words Anna, and thanks so much for being apart of the fun.
x Amanda
This room is lovely!!!! xx
Oooh too cute!
Furniture removalists
Wow that is a very beautiful interior for a little girl’s room. It’s very chic and pretty.
Wedding registry
Aw! It’s adorable my daughter would really love this. It’s nice to have an interior design inspiration coming from the imagination of a child. She did a great job on this one.
So pretty!!
Harry is adorable, and I love his room. Almost makes me want to have a boy. ;)
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