Tuesday 13 March 2007

Gorgeous Things

Look at all all of these gorgeous things from Inside Avenue via Belle Vivre. They have lots more wonderful things on their website so take my advice - go and have a look!!


  1. Love the shape of the yellow one and I really enjoy your blog :)


  2. I adore these things! They are all so beautiful. I went to check out the site but for some reason I can't get your link to Belle Vivre to work. Are they Australian? The Inside Avenue site doesn't ship to Australia :( Sometimes I feel like we live in the Bermuda Triangle!

  3. Thanks Tea and Margarita!! I love your blog too!! Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope to see you again around ABT!

  4. Mim - I so know where you are coming from. I get so frustrated that I can't get things here from OS!! BTW Belle Vivir is a blog and her address is www.bellevivir.blogspot.com Sorry I actually spelt it incorrectly!! Woops!!

  5. Isn't Inside Avenue wonderful?! I posted some of their lamps last month too (including the yellow Hollywood Regency lamp). I LOVE their stuff (but especially the gorgeous lamps)!

  6. I love Inside Avenue and Barbara Cosgrove. That yellow lamp is outta this world.
