Wednesday 14 March 2007

New Ralph Lauren Home Collection

OMG - If you haven't already seen the new release Ralph Lauren Home Collection - Beach - then you need to visit the site now!! As always the experience is a jaw dropping, eyes hooked to the computer, devine, drop dead gorgeous, I wish I could have EVERYTHING adventure!! And the waves rolling into the beach with the beautiful music in the background - well what more can I say other than I'm dreaming!!


  1. Wow, I saw this yesterday & I loved it. I love Ralph Lauren's casual, but elegant style.

  2. Yay! I love the site....awesome!

  3. Loved this site!! Thanks for sharing... I'm with you - I'd give anything to wake up to the sound of waves crashing and be surrounded by all the beachy gorgeousness!!

  4. In my dream life, my beach house looks just like this...

  5. OMG! It is wonderful isnt it. i saw it a little while back and Im very inspired, but Im not really into that Beach style, but after all its Ralph Lauren.

  6. Hello! I am a norwegian blogger that found your blog for the first time today..... And here I really found a lot of Absolutely Beautiful Things! I have made a link to you from my blog, and I surely will be back daily:-)

  7. This makes me want to move to the beach. Oh, the male model is not too bad either!

  8. Thanks for the link!!! Gorgeous. I need to find that CD they used for the soundtrack.

  9. Thanks Mikkeline for stopping by and for your kind comments!! I'll check your blog out on the weekend!!

  10. Southern Mom - the girl's in my office thought he wasn't too bad as well when I showed them the clip this morning!!

  11. I'm in agreement with most of you -those wave, that house, those things in that house - to die for!! I went back probably half a dozen times today and put myself through the experience again - very clever marketing!

  12. oh, and Jo if you find out who the singer is can you let me know too as I would love to get the c.d!! Does anyone know who it might be??

  13. I was immediately thinking norah jones with that sort of smoky lightly raspy fabulous voice. I'll bet on that. I hadn't seen this before, what a fantastic video, thanks for putting it up!

  14. Thanks Susan for your input!!

  15. AGREED! i want to redecorate my bedroom into a nautical/simple/elegant/blue and white with a dash of red sort of thing! :)

  16. The RL Beach looks so relaxing. It's this look and feel that carries throught the RL brand.

    Love it.
    Potpourri Emporium

  17. I also love Ralph's Villa America collection from a couple years back--see more here: !!

  18. I was just getting ready to post about the new collection because I just went to his website to see it all. Love it! I was googling some images to post and your blog came up.

    Time to go over to the RL store near me and see if his catalog/brochure is available yet. I covet those like nothing else! :)

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