Tuesday 2 October 2012


Have you seen the latest issue of Adore Magazine yet?  We were so excited to have Mr & Mrs G Bar {which we just completed a couple of months ago} featured.  Thank you Loni and Jen Bishop for the wonderful story.  Click HERE to read...

Over the weekend I thoroughly enjoyed reading and flipping through Claire Lloyd's new book, My Greek Island Home.  Isn't the cover divine!  I also spotted this behind the scenes video...CLICK HERE to watch.  The book is out this week just in case you wanted to pick up your own copy.  Mine is sitting on the top of my book pile on my coffee table and the cover catches my eye every time I walk passed it!!

Wasn't it great having a long weekend this weekend just gone!  I spent my entire weekend pottering around at home in the garden and around the house.  I purchased these pretty hydrangea pots from Lulu Lucky at our Spring Flea last month and I can't believe how much they have grown.  I have never had much luck with hydrangeas but I think the trick is to water them every day without fail and keep them out of our very hot sun.

And to finish this quick little post, here's a picture of our bedroom display at Black & Spiro which I shared on Instagram last week.  Lots of pretty things in store at the moment!



  1. Love the bedding! Those pillows are fabulous!! That book would be catching my eye, too, each time I walked by. Shades of blue are really peaking my interest lately. x

  2. I love that last photo and I so wish that I could come visit your store!!! It's quite a long way from Portland, OR though...but maybe some day.

  3. Congrats on your work being in Adore! We called in to Mr & Mrs G on the weekend and it is absolutely stunning - really well done! Lovely to have somewhere like this in Brisbane. Tracey xx

  4. Love love love the pillows and bedding. And the bench.

  5. Hi Anna

    I am seriously hearting the work you did at the Bar, too gorg for words. My hydrangeas are just awakening after a long Canberra winter but I must say they thrive in the Canberra cool climate. Shade is the trick and water with these beauties. I am going to be in Brisbane for a family holiday tomorrow and am dragging my family ( all males) along to check out Black and Spiro. I have been following your blog for years and visiting your shop is on my Bucket list. So hopefully I will see you tomorrow. In the meantime be sure to pop into my amateur little blog space "A Darlings Nest" Fondest Regards Shell xox

  6. Wow that bar looks stunning, when will you have an online store?

  7. Mr & Mrs G Bar is fabulous, you did such an incredible blog!! You continue to be such an inspiration to be as a decorator, I love all of your use of rich color & pattern! Gorgeous hydrangeas too! xoxo



  8. i love this spread too

    john in nc

  9. I'll have to check out Adore, thanks for reminding me!

  10. I Love the print on pillows in the fourth picture! Great post! I loved keeping up with your blog! Love, Jamie Herzlinger

  11. I spotted the article in Adore. You must be very proud. Books with beautiful covers like this one here always draw my attention too.

  12. The pillows are to die for! The color combination is really lovely, what great tatse.
    xoxo Susana from Two Clouds in the Sky
