Monday 25 June 2012

More Bits of Treasure

Over the weekend I opened up an old timber box which had been hiding away in a cupboard.  Inside I found some old special things I hadn't seen in a while.  I pulled them out and made myself think of where each piece came from.  Even Harry & Max were excited to look into the old timber and brass kaleidescope to see the most beautiful colourful shapes.  That's the special thing about collecting beautiful things you can put them away and rediscover them all over again years later.  Instead of throwing away or giving away things you might be tired of why don't you pack them up and store them so that you don't miss out on the joy they can give you all-over-again in a few years time.



  1. What a lovely thing to do!

    The doll's head reminds of one we found in our garden when I was little. I kept it in a box of broken porcelain (also found in the garden). I wonder what happened to it all..?

    By the way, the orange of those poppies is insane!

  2. I agree, packing items away for an opportunity to rediscover them is such a wonderful experience!

    Thanks for sharing more of your treasures! Liz

  3. So fun! I love finding treasures that I forgot about.

  4. Hi Anna, I couldn't agree more, I wish I had kept more of my mothers treasures, but I have an attic these days and everything loved and beheld goes up there. I love passing at the Porter's paint stores ans seeing your lovely wallpaper on display!
