Tuesday 10 April 2012

My Little Adventure

I will admit that I am a scaredy-cat.  I have never broken a bone which is an obvious sign that I don't take many risks.  I worry about things and I usually sit, wait, ponder and think about every single for and against before I embark upon anything.  Some would say that it's good to be well-informed before making a decision or embarking on an adventure.  Others would say stop procrastinating and JUST DO IT. 

Well, this year I have been trying to do more things which I am scared of without too much thought and procrastination.  One such off-the-cuff adventure I embarked upon over the weekend was walking from our cottage at Point Lookout all the way along Flinders Beach to my parent's cottage at Amity Point.  This may not be such a big thing for some but I have always thought it was such a long distance and yesterday without any thought what-so-ever I did it. 

It took me just under 2 hours of fast-paced walking {with a couple of climbs up the head-height sandbank because of the high tide} and let me tell you it was fabulous.  It was such a beautiful day and I loved every single minute of it.  I can't wait to do it again and actually I think I will walk back again next time.

It really is amazing how great you feel when you do JUST DO IT.  I didn't think I would make it and  in the past I always said to myself that it is too far.  But in actual fact it's not too far at all.  It was just that I kept on making excuses.

My little adventure is proof that you can do anything if you just get out of your safe place and take the first step!! 


PS - This was not meant to sound like an ad for NIKE!!  I just wanted to share this positive story with you for the start of the working week!!xx

image - via pretty stuff tumblr


  1. Hi Anna, I've been trying to follow this philosophy too! A-M from The House That A-M Built inspired me with her attitude. Be fearless, she says! I also like the line 'Feel the fear and do it anyway'. So far, it seems to be working...

    Good luck with all your adventures.I suspect it's the year for them!

    Janelle McCulloch
    Library of Design

  2. Good on you Anna! One of my favourite exercises is to turn 'yes buts' into 'yes ands'. It's so liberating to think about the potential rather than the obstacles. Like walking to your parents' place . . . you could say 'yes, but it's so far' but instead you tackle it head on and say 'yes, and I can't wait to pick wild flowers along the way'. It really makes you try more things x

  3. Anna,
    Good for you! Enjoy each day and every new adventure.

  4. Good for you Anna.
    Yes life is full of wonderful things if we just take a chance and do it.
    Think of that person you first kissed or told you loved. If you had not how different life might be.
    I was a very shy child and so was a bit a of a scaredy - cat myself. But now I try to live by the philosphy, If you only walk on sunny days and not on those that rain you will never get as far in life and experience all its joys.
    Half the fun is the nervous part anyway.
    Thanks Anna for the last 2 inspiring posts.
    warm wishes,

  5. Hi, What a WONDERFUL post! Thanks for sharing it!


  6. I can identify with this story. Truly taking the first step is the hardest...but it is amazing where that one step can lead us!

    All the best!

  7. Way to go! Thank you for sharing your adventure with us. I'm inspired to JUST DO IT :)

  8. THAT is a wonderful story. How lovely to walk down the beach to visit your parents. . .you've got a glorious walk book-ended with love.

  9. Hi Anna, one day on Faux Fuschia's blog she mentioned a book called the Happiness Project (by Gretchen Rubin). It is a truly wonderful book to get you motivated to embrace life. After reading the book I decided on a month of 'doing stuff' and "taking action" rather than just thinking about it. I agree that it is sometimes quite scary to jump out of your comfort zone and do something which you previously thought was too hard or too daring. Is it a female thing? Or is it a 21st century thing? We are so risk averse and so paranoid about bad things that we sometimes don't really embrace life.
    Anyway... good on you and I hope it encourages you in your quest to do more new things. So strange to hear that you felt like that when you are so adventurous in your professional life. I have often noticed that people segment their lives. And they ight be strong and adventurous in one segment and timid and weak in another. Lets all aim to be 'well rounded' people.

    thanks for the wonderful blog,

    Judith in Canberra

  10. Hi Judith,

    Thank you so much for your note. I actually read The Happiness Project last year and it was one of the things that inspired me to try to do more things I am scared of this year. I was only just thinking about it this morning that with my work I just do it and it seems that this is where my confidence is but it doesn't really exist in other areas of my life so that is what I am working on!! Here here to aiming at being well rounded people...


  11. Now you're ready to live in Manhattan, where many of us walk miles in a day to avoid the drudgery of a gym, as well as, to get to where we're going. Good way to organize thoughts too.

  12. Well I'd love that Debra! Maybe oneday I'll be able to come and live in Manhattan for a few months!!


  13. Love your blog and love the idea of walking at Straddie...wish I was nearby...lucky you

    I read something only yesterday on the fabulous Tao of Dana blog that said: "Imagine what your life would be like if you said YES more often"...

    Food for thought indeed!

    ANd yes, I am the same. Totally. My favourite saying is: "But what if...?"

    Good for you.

  15. Well done Anna, I always look along the Flinders shoreline and think what a huge walk!!

  16. Well Louise, you are a huge inspiration with all of that green stuff you have flying around the place over there at TT!!

  17. Thanks Georgie. I always thought that too until I did it. It actually isn't that far at all. Amazing what tricks your mind and eyes can play on you!!xx

  18. Sometime a slogan just fits...Just do it...perfect for your adventure. A two hour fast paced walk with a couple of hills along the way always makes me feel as though I've had an adventure...and boy am I hungry for something like tuna. you too?

  19. Oh Anna, you are so right! My life changed drastically last year,and so many things I thought I couldn't do, I am doing. Fear is a terrible thing to carry around with you all the time. Sometimes we do have to just go ahead and do whatever it is we are afraid of.

  20. I love it when you posts your thoughts like this one, it's inspiring and nice to know that we all deal with the same struggles. Just after I saw you in NY I was asked to do a short segment on the Martha Stewart show and I was scared to death. The main reason I didn't chicken out was because i didn't want to be a bad example for my daughters. When it was over I had a new level of confidence and I'm trying to tap into that everyday. thank you Ana! --betsy
