Thursday 2 February 2012

Chance Encounters

My days in NYC have been very busy and very productive.  I have enjoyed uncovering some wonderful treasures and meeting some lovely people along the way. 

Earlier today I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.  As I walked out the front door of The Crosby Street Hotel where we are staying, who should be standing right in front of me?  I could hardly believe my was Kit Kemp who is the owner and designer of The Crosby Street Hotel.

My knees went a little shaky and butterflies started to fly ferociously around inside my stomach however, despite my nervous state I approached her and said hello.  I told her I would never usually do something like this. However, I know how much I would have re regretted it if I didn't pluck up the courage to say hello.  She was so kind and so lovely.  We spent a few minutes chatting about various things and I must say, having admired her for such a long time, including posting about her work, her home and her hotels here on the blog over the years, it was one of the most wonderful and exciting encounters of my life!!

Another wonderful experience I had today was being invited to Betsy Morgan's beautiful house for afternoon tea.  Betsy, who is an Interior Designer here in NYC and her husband own a DIVINE 5 storey townhouse in Chelsea.  We enjoyed a tour of her home and in doing so met her 2 beautiful daughters and chatted about all things New York and Design. 

Betsy allowed me to take a few photos of her home which I am sharing here today. You may think you have seen Betsy's home before.  Well you are probably right as it has been used for some pretty well-known photo shoots including the photos taken by Mario Testino of Sarah Jessica Parker for Vogue.  That's right, she's had Mario Testino and SJP in her home all at once.  AMAZING!

All in all it was such a wonderful and inspiring day.  Thank you Betsy for inviting us to your home for afternoon tea and thank you Kit Kemp for stopping to say hello to me.  I was completely and utterly starstruck!!



  1. Love the artwork of Betsy Morgan's home, and look at the unusual way it's been displayed. (6th and 9th images.) I'm a big fan of doing unusual configurations like these; it just makes the images look more interesting. The bedroom is exquisite too - look at those French-style shutters. Lucky you for seeing such a gorgeous house! Have a lovely time in NYC. Janelle McCulloch xx

  2. Looks like you're having a blast. Jealous!

  3. Hi,

    I happened upon the Crosby Street Hotel on my last trip to NYC and thought it was really charming. Lunch was also good.


  4. Wow, wow and wow- what a house and what a day! Cannot wait to see and hear what else this trip has in store! Pip xx

  5. Fabulous attracts fabulous!

  6. Janelle - Betsy's home is divine and her artwork is so beautifully arranged, I agree!!

  7. And today I get to see the fabulousness that is you Patricia!! xx Anna

  8. And so thrilled to see your artwork in Adore magazine Pip!! xx

  9. Wow! What a great trip! The artwork is amazing. I'm dying to do a black & white photography collage in our home.

  10. Happy you have a nice time! love the pictures!

  11. Absolutely beautiful home, I love her framed art and that bedroom is a dream.

  12. those glossy black doors are incredible. they are so bold. betsy's home is beautiful. thank you for sharing.

  13. Such amazing opportunities! This home is absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

  14. This house is pretty much my dream home. Unbelievably chic and stylish. . . . from the black front doors to the high ceilings, to the beautiful wood work and everything in between.

  15. Gosh what a beautiful home! Love that Marilyn artwork!!! xoxo elizabeth

  16. What a great post dahhling! Never been to this hotel but must on our next trip!

  17. what a beautiful house... everything is so elegant! Happy Weekend!

  18. Sounds like you had a wonderful time in warm in NYC that week...perhaps Kit Kemp was just as starstruck...I think I would feel that way if I saw you on the street, Anna!


  19. Oh Annie, you are very kind but Kit Kemp had no idea who I was!! I felt like I was an obsessed stalker approaching her!! But I am so glad I did. She was really so lovely and kind!
