Sunday 11 December 2011

Our Tree is Up

I was a bit late getting our Christmas tree at home up this year.  Maybe it was because I had already decorated 2 trees for our store and online store and the thought of decorating another one was exhausting!

We opted for a live Christmas tree this year and instead of my usual 'filled to the brim' with baubles style tree, we went for simple big bows which I made in an array of mis-matched fabrics.  I don't think I could have coped with our little Max pulling my baubles, which I have collected over the years, off the tree!!  I have even placed some of the gifts, which I have wrapped in fabric, on our fireplace mantel because I am sure that Max would be into them big time if they were on the floor under the tree...too much temptation!!

You might notice a little origami star which I have hung at the top of our tree.  Well, this very special decoration was made by Henry.  He and his mum, who is a beautiful client of mine, gave it to me on Friday and I was just blown away.  I can't believe that he sat down and made this for me.  I actually had a tear in my eye when it was given to me.  After such a hectic and stressful week it certainly put a big smile on my face...Isn't that what giving is all about...putting a smile on someone else's face and making them feel so special. 

Thank you Henry and A...I just love it so much!!


  1. It looks exquisite Anna. And I love how the ribbons perfectly match the fabric of the chair! We've gone for ribbons this year too. For some reason, the simplicity looks more elegant. Henry sounds like a little Christmas angel. Hope you enjoy your much-deserved break at the beach house. All the very best.
    Janelle McCulloch | A Library of Design

  2. Our tree is up yet no ornaments and I am loving these simply stunning bows. I am thinking that i might use al foil! I rather like metallic and glitter this time of year.
    Your origami star is lovely.

  3. Janelle - I just can't wait to get to that beach house. I feel like I'm never going to get there!!xx
    Hope you have a great Christmas too. Loving your new blog!!

    Patricia - so funny because I was actually thinking of using alfoil to wrap my christmas presents...maybe next year!! Great minds think alike!xx
    PS - I'm coming to NY end of Jan with my mum, dad and Brad. Mum and I would love to catch up with you!

  4. It may be late but it looks great! :) Love the bows!

  5. Lovely - and I know your problem with little people and baubles. I lost two yesterday when we put up the tree. My youngest is the same age as Max (a May baby as well!). My middle one wanted the presents under the tree straight away, and I suggested that she might feel tempted to open them, to which she said "yes, I will!"

    Enjoy your break - you've had a busy year!

  6. Thanks Heidi! My husband was actually the one who said to me a few weeks ago - what are you going to do about the tree and max?! I hadn't even thought about it but I am so glad he did! The bows seem to be working a treat and he hasn't even ripped one off the tree...YET!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks so much for following the blog. I know you've commented in the past as well...thanks so much!xx

  7. Your tree looks wonderful, I love the fresh bright approach of you Aussie girls, so refreshing. As for Henry! I think we all need a boy like that in our lives!

  8. Love the bows so much! I have so many yards of ribbon around my house- I'll have to make myself a mini tree and give this a try. Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  9. My tree just now up too. Running a bit behind. Happy Holidays & hope you're well!

  10. It's all so gorgeous!!!!
    It's pin worthy!!

  11. And how much classier it looks than mine. I never know when to stop when it comes to baubles.

  12. One of the things I love about following design blogs is getting to see what people all around the world world are doing. Your tree is beautiful. I love the colors and getting a glimpse of Australia at Christmastime.

  13. Just Beautiful! Sensational actually!!! Have a lovely day xx

  14. That's the definition of a simple and yet complete christmas tree!
    Please, no more exagerations on christmas trees!
    Excellent!!!!!! Congrats!
    Merry Christmas to everyone!

  15. How pretty!
    It looks so lovely next to the striped armchair! Jx

  16. So refreshing after all the baubles and glitter you see everywhere.You are full of inspriring and fabulous ideas. What an unusual gift to get this origami masterpiece- I reckon you will treasure it over the years.There is nothing like an unexpected gift or kindness .
    Hope you have a great rest and a great Christmas in your beach house.Bea

  17. By the way I adored the amazing colourful Christmas tree you had commissioned especially for the shop last year with all the colours and the birds made of fabric...

  18. I love this. So fitting for an Australian Christmas! Love your work by the way :)

  19. Your tree is perfect!
    The bows are so pretty and I love the colours you used. I haven`t even bought our tree yet, now I`m thinking it would be fun to do something like yours.
    It is such a happy looking tree, love it!


  20. So pretty! Happy Holidays!

  21. Oh it's beautiful. Love the ribbons and the star is fabulous!!

  22. Very pretty, mine is just decorated with white roses, I like more simple trees.

  23. ,,,it's beautiful! simple and exactly how i imagined your tree to look like. i love bows the more the merrier!,,,cheers to the holidays! be merry, be bright, be fa-la-la-la-la,,,

  24. what a lovely idea to decorate the tree with lovely patterned bows! plus, the beautiful origami star... perfection!!!

  25. So simple yet totally gorgeous! Totally get keeping things out of reach of little fingers too...

  26. that s the cutest tree EVER!!no seriously!

  27. LOVE it. I did bows this year too- I tied all my ornaments on with ribbon leftover from my wedding gifts :D
