Monday 12 September 2011

Behind The Scenes

I thought it might be fun to share some behind the scenes shots of our Spring Vignette.  It all started with this pile of fabrics, lamps, pictures etc. on my work table at Black & Spiro.  Some might consider this to be just a pile of mess but my schemes usually start off in this manner.  There's nothing like a big pile of ideas, fabrics, colours, snippets of things I like to get the creative juices flowing...

Photo shoot day always starts with lots of coffee for everyone involved.  It's a full day of arranging flowers and placing and moving things around so as to get the perfect shot.  I am usually completely over it by the end of the day.

The photo shoot for our Spring Vignette actually went into the evening.  As you can see above it was getting quite dark by the end of the shoot.

Here's the room from a different angle.  I took this photo the night before Elouise came and photographed the Vignette. I usually get the room set up the day before so that I am all prepared for her when she arrives the next morning to start taking the photos.

Here's a close-up of the coffee table.  I actually preferred it arranged this way but it didn't photograph very well so I had to change things around slightly as you can see when you compare this photo with the actual vignette over at the store.

And here's a little close up of some of the cushions on the sofa.  You might notice that I used the same sofa in the Spring Vignette as the Winter Vignette.  I did this on purpose because I wanted to show how interchangeable our looks are.  It's all just a matter of changing the accessories to achieve a new look!!

Without a doubt, my favourite piece in our Spring Vignette was the vintage flamingo.  I think it was one of the first items to sell and rightly so.  It is so gorgeous!!

I hope you enjoyed seeing a few behind the scenes photos of our Spring Vignette.  We are working on some more very exciting additions to the online store so make sure you keep watching here for updates!!


  1. Love these pics and the color in them! :-)

  2. Oh what a gorgeous room, I love it.x

  3. Interesting indeed! One year i returned to Denmark on vacation, visiting my family, my parents home was being photographed for Mad & Bolig. There were lights, cameras, flowers and fruit All over the place... The pictures were fantastic, but my gosh... What a job!!!!!

  4. This is so interesting, Anna! So nice of you for sharing it with us.

    Many blessings to this new week!


    Luciane at

  5. O, lovely.... so many colours

  6. Thanks for sharing! I love behind the scene stories! Very inspiring!

  7. Amazing room! I love it. I am decorating my daughters room somewhat similar and this gives me great ideas. Thanks!


    Ps. I'm having a GIVEAWAY on my blog for anyone who is interested!

  8. Wow!!! So many vibrant, fabulous colors and patterns!! Thank you so much for sharing, your blog is a delight. :)

    Amanda Boykin

  9. Your spring vignette looks fabulous. It seems like all of your hard work paid off.


  10. It is beautiful! Even your "mess" puts my own to shame. Lovely things!!!

  11. Wow, thanks for posting behind the scenes! I love seeing the lovely materials you use, and would love to get into shoot styling like this! So inspired!!

  12. Thank you for sharing these photo's. It is really good to see the process as it evolves.

  13. How exciting, you obviously love what you do and it shows. The results are amazing. Love it!

  14. Those lamps! I adore those bamboo lamps!! Swoon... Chic Rooms

  15. This chaotic little scene appeals to me like a kid in a candy store...especially with the chopped stems and secateurs lying around! Absolutely love the andromeda bells and your mixed posy of fresh garden flowers. Too many beautiful one-off pieces to choose from. Your wall of framed botanicals truly inspired and inspiring!

  16. Really fun to see it all come together - thanks, Anna!

  17. Love the pink walls! The room has a way of calling you to 'come in sit down and relax a bit'.
    Finally, a room we real people can relate to!

  18. I love all this...incredible display's! Love the flamingo!!! Someone got a great find!!!
    Brenda in Texas

  19. I love your style! All of your ideas are so unique and fabulous :)

  20. So many patterns, colours, should look messy but it's very nice. Thanks:)

  21. Have to say I got a bit excited when I saw that flamingo.
    It's gorgeous.

  22. wow that room looks amazing!
    I love the vibrant colours, I also love that chandelier.

  23. Thank you for showing us the "behind the scene" work. I was curious although I guessed that it was a lot of work!

  24. I would have bought that flamingo at first site too...amazing!!

  25. Great Site!! Yes, very bright and colorful! I am new to blogging, so this is fun!
    Jenny from
