Monday 22 August 2011

Dishevelled Perfection

Last night I did something I haven't done in a very long time.  I got caught on a couple of tumblr sites and I couldn't get off.  I just kept on scrolling.  Back in the early days of this blog I spent a lot of time reading other blogs and tumblrs but I have to be honest, these days I don't read many blogs.  Maybe it's a time thing or maybe it's because there are just so many out there now and I can't keep up.  Not sure.  However, I did find this fabulous image on Matchbook's tumblr last night.  It stopped me in my tracks.  I love how imperfect and dishevelled it is. 

Have a great Monday! 



  1. Lived in and lovely! A happy little spot.

    Tumblr is like crack. (LOL) If I go there, I just get lost! So many beautiful things.... next thing I know hours have gone by!

    xo isa

  2. If you have some good tumblrs to look at, I'd LOVE to know! =) Love the pictures on there and i'm really into home decor photos for ideas and what not

  3. Now that is how real people live, don't they? Great photo and post :)

  4. I wish I could live with dishevelled no matter how stylish...My OCD just won't allow it...

  5. I love the green chandelier! It would be a fun contrast to my ochre and white bedroom.

  6. I feel so much better about my dishevelled bookshelves now. I am a Librarian by day and those shelves are so perfectly in order -they have to be!!!.....Home shelves on the other hand have no order at all.

  7. Oh that is one fab little mess...

    absolutely a welcome change from all the very made-up clutter-free interiors we are so used to. ♥

  8. Visiting blogs is a time consuming thing, for sure! But I really miss visiting my friends if I don't do it, besides, their blogs are always inspirational for me. :-)

    Beautiful picture!

    Have a blessed week!


    Luciane at

  9. Hello Anna! It's my early days on the blog and I spend a lot of time reading and searching other blogs looking at fabulous pictures so I can come up with ideas for mine and how to make it better. I must tell you that yours is really an ispiration for me!

  10. Ahh, now I have something to call my bookshelf. "Dishevelled perfection" is officially my favorite phrase this week. :)

  11. ooo so colorful. i especially like the addition of the metal chair and fresh flowers. great image- i may use some elements for an upcoming painting!

  12. Love your blog and LOVE that chandelier!!

  13. I know that living room! It's owner has a shop in my city. I know you're not reading many blogs, but if you want to check Johnelle's out, it is:

    The Vintique Object

  14. Love the picture and the bookcase!

    'Please visit our new website'

  15. Everything is absolutely beautiful in here! haha. I love your blog! Such a great find.
