Friday 26 August 2011

A Day for Daffodils

It seems my Daffodils have flowered right on cue.  Back in Autumn I ambitiously planted 50 Daffodil bulbs in our garden and although not all of them have surfaced, we have quite a few in flower today just in time for Daffodil Day.  To support this very special day click HERE to make a donation or to find out how you can contribute.

On that note I am signing off for this week.  I'm yearning for a weekend in my garden.


  1. I am attending my aunts funeral today. She died on Monday after a six year battle with cancer. Thank you for your blog today.

  2. Their arrival and meaning is wonderful Anna!


    Art by Karena

  3. My favorite flower! I so love daffodils - you are lucky they are coming out now! Have a great weekend Anna! ;-)

  4. I love Daffodils! I always stop by on the side of the road and pick them in the Spring!

    They are great assets to my kitchen, so cheerful!

  5. I love Daffodil Day. Your garden looks fab. I always had mixed results with bulbs.Gardening is seriously the best thing you can do for your spirit and figure (can't eat while gardening). Enjoy x

  6. When I see daffodils, I am reminded that the most perfect hues are produced by mother nature, herself. We are lucky when we can produce something close.

  7. Beautiful and so meaningful too! Looks like your post had perfect timing.

    xo annie

  8. gorgeous pic, love the daisy like flower behind it- honored if you could visit my blog...


  9. Hi Anna, a dear friend told me to have a look at your blog because she thought I would like it and I have to say, I love it! A woman after my own heart when it comes to flowers and her garden. I shall enjoy reading your posts and following your blog.

  10. Hi,Anna Thanks for the photos you have shared and some perfect and very creative :)
