Friday 29 July 2011

Thank you!

When you put all your efforts and thoughts and energy into a project which you are so passionate about you can become extremely stressed and nervous and anxious as to whether it will work, whether people will embrace it, whether it will happen the way you had hoped and dreamt it would. 

Yesterday saw the launch of our online store which has been a project I have been dreaming about and working on for a very long time.  Seeing it come to fruition in the last month or so has been an extremely exciting yet anxious time.  It is different and sometimes when things are a little different to the norm people might not understand how it works or what the idea is behind the concept.

To my complete relief and excitement yesterday's launch went extremely well and I was completely overwhelmed by the wonderful and positive response to our concept.  I think the vintage items sold out within the first couple of hours which was amazing.  We also sold out of the geometric throw rugs but we were able to restock those later in the afternoon so there are a few more left if anyone wants one.  The 8 pink cockatoo lampbases have also sold out.  I am considering getting some more in so keep checking back for updates on those if you missed out on one yesterday.  The stock levels are going down rather quickly which is just so incredibly exciting.

Some people have said that they wished there was more.  I will say that 'from little things big things grow'.  This is just the beginning.  As this concept is so new I really was not sure how it would go.  So, it needed to be small to start with.  It is my plan to hopefully present 8-10-12 vignettes a year.  We will have our seasonal vignettes which will be for Winter, Spring, Summer & Autumn but keep watching as we are going to have some others in between the seasons as well.  We are also hopeful to expand the vignettes to maybe 2 or 3 or 4 room scenes/vignettes per season.

So, there certainly is going to be lots more to come and the scope of this concept is endless.  We have lots of ideas and we can't wait to put them into the works. 

The next vignette we present is for Spring and it is all ready to go so keep watching for it's launch which will be sooner rather than's going to be very pretty and colourful!

I would like to thank a few very special people because without them yesterday would not have been possible.  Here goes...

Kell, Liv, Eve, Claire, Michelle, Tony, Michael, Max, Andy, Katie, Krishna, Mum, Dad, Brad {for putting up with my very cranky and anxious moods these last couple of weeks}, Elouise, Nick, Sam & Pete.

You guys are amazing and I really couldn't have done it without your help, guidance, feedback and support.

I would also love to thank those amazing bloggers who have posted about our store launch on their blogs and for spreading the word.  You guys are just the best and so very supportive.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart - Will from Bright Bazaar, Kimberlee from Brown Button, Kate from Polka Dot Pantry, Kell from Little French Nest, Mrs Blandings, Loni from Adore magazine blog, Natasha from Northern Light, Interiors Addict, Of Beauty & Love blog, Briana from HGTV Blog, Stylishirish blog, Australian Gift Guide blog, Gabrielle from Savvy Home Blog, Gild & Grace blog, Ivy & Piper blog. Chic Cottage Charm blog, Six Different Ways blogVicki Archer from French Essence. And if I've forgotten anyone please let me know!!

So, today there's lots to do, lots to ship and a house full of furniture to install into a house which was completely inundated by the floods earlier this year. 

There certainly is never a dull moment around here...

Thank you again for making our launch so wonderful!  I was blown away.


P.S. There's lots of pink parcels heading out our door today! 


  1. Congratulations, the cockatoo lamps were my favourite too, such a stand out amazing product. Love Posie

  2. You really do have absolutely beautiful things. Its great to see it for sale on line.
    I love the photo of the car with all the parcels.

  3. Hooray! Congratulations! You are amazing & a true inspiration xx

  4. Congratulations! I really do hope that in this case big things from little things grow.

    And it's so lovely that it's an Australian blogs where where your seasonal vignettes will follow the weather I'm having, instead of freezing my bum off and reading about summer holidays, or vice versa.

    I personally was hoping for one of your lovely floral lampshades with contrasting trim (as seen in one of your window displays a while back). But I'm happy to wait!

    All the best

  5. I love the new shop!What a fantastic concept!! Congrats on the Launch & Congrats to the lucky buyers :)

    xo Edyta

  6. It's such a cool concept, really refreshing way to shop! The only problem is aI would like to order the entire room, lol! Smells like success :)

  7. Congratulations on the successful launch! I'm fascinated by how you choose to put everything together. All those seemingly disparate items when displayed in the manner you have, come together in such delicious cohesiveness and delight. Clever clogs. Meredy xo

  8. Anna, congratulations! This is truly amazing!

    It came in a bit late, but I had planned my post about the Absolutely Beautiful Things store ever since your first announcement! Go have a look on :)

    Well done again, I love it all! X

  9. Congrats on the opening of the store! You have so many beautiful things!


  10. Anna, congratulations on a very successful launch. I hope it is only the beginning of many more good things to come.

    I am looking forward to the Spring Vignette. I am sure it is going to be as lovely!

  11. So excited for you, Anna! The shop is amazing and I look forward to seeing more unfold. Enjoy your weekend! xo

  12. Super lovely blog!


  13. So glad and not surprised that it is a success!

  14. are an inspiration xx


  15. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!!

  16. Anna, it was so exciting to see the first vignette, and even more so to hear that there may be multiple vignettes ahead!! I'm looking forward to the arrival of my pink parcel! I wish you continued success, and the energy it requires to do what you do so well! Cheers, Beck xx

  17. I just discovered your lovely blog and have signed up as a follower. I've just put the finished touches on my new blog ‘Coastal Style’ and have added you to my blogroll. I had a lot of fun putting it together so maybe you would like to check it out if you have a spare minute.
    It will have lots of inspiration on beach houses, resortwear, summer food, travel and anything ‘beachy’.

  18. Congratulations on your new venture
    great to here it went well! x

  19. Congratulations on your online store! Your items are beautiful! Many blessings to your new adventure! I did a couple of posts on the opening of your new store and everyone loves it! xoxo, Desiree

  20. Thank you so much for your support everyone!

    Kind regards,
