Tuesday 10 May 2011

The Preparations Have Begun...

Yesterday we started preparing for our annual sale at Black & Spiro which starts at 9am this Saturday.  This is what our fabric remnant room looked like after I had stripped it of piles and piles of fabric which we are putting into our sale on Saturday. It's so nice to have some order in our remnant room as it usually looks like a cyclone has swept through it!!


  1. funny, we are both thinking along the same orderly lines of piles, nice and neat stacked pretty piles.

  2. Oh my gosh, those shelves are like heaven to me! I wish I could come to your sale bug Tassie is a little too far away ;)

  3. Gorgeous..i could spend days in that room looking at those textiles and dreaming up possibilities!! have a lovely week, Anna! xx meenal

  4. wish i could be there!

  5. Oh how I wish I could make your sale Anna!

  6. Oh, please take some pictures of your items! I'm so curious to see the products on sale!

    I promise to be there someday! I wish I could get a plane from Canada to Australia! Wouldn't be that FUN?!!!

    Have a wonderful day, Anna!


    Luciane at HomeBunch.com

  7. That room looks like my idea of heaven! Hope the sale goes well! KGx

  8. A bit of order never looked so good... I'm sooo miffed I won't be around this weekend for the sale, especially now I know there are remnants up for grabs too! :(

  9. i can't wait!!! I'll be the first one lining up front of your beautiful shop, looking forward to it x

  10. Beautiful pictures, could you please send me the gray, and green range? And if not to much to ask the black as well? Love the patterns, and colours, and in sale? Just Fab..

  11. I'm salivating at the sight of those gorgeous piles of fabrics!

    I wish I lived in Aus - will have to send my Mum and sisters along instead :)

  12. Hmmm, i think i may need to jump on a plane and visit Brisbane. So many lovely places to visit from blogland.

  13. Wow - looks awesome, I want to touch all of that fabric! :-)

  14. I can't believe I am going to miss your sale this year!!! This will be the first one I have missed I think. I will have to wait patiently for the next one and organize to be in town! I hope everything turns out as usual- fabulous as ever!!


  15. I how I would love to be able to shop through your remnant room!

  16. Dear Anna I am so excited about saterday and your wonderfull sale , all those remnants/////

  17. Oh, how I LOVE the smell of fabric!!!! Love, love, love.

  18. Hi Anna, I am actually in Melbourne and can't make the sale. So disappinted! I brought up a storm last year. I'm looking forward to visit Black and Spiro again as soon as my schedule settles down...I am missing it so much. Michelle Mitchell

  19. Oh, my heart skipped a beat!!! looking at all of these gorgeous fabrics!! If only I lived in Brisbane!!!
    Laura xx

  20. If you have a moment of down time after your sale, please take a look at my latest blog post. As someone who likes flowers and color, I think you will like what I have created.

  21. LOVE LOVE LOVE the array of colors.... just makes me want to pop up and create something, anything! LOL hope your sale is a huge success!

  22. Hi Anna,
    think I'll have to come along to this one seeing all this yummy material (good excuse)!

  23. this looks so tempting!
    Have fun!

  24. I wish I could come shopping

  25. Definite eye candy! All that fabric... so many possibilities!
    I hope your sale is a smashing success.

  26. Dreamy...oh the projects that could be completed!

  27. i could just sit and stare at these shelves for hours ! Fabrics-my first love !
