Wednesday 6 April 2011

Ned Turns 2

I can't believe our beautiful Ned turned 2 the other day.  It feels like it was yesterday that I picked him up from the airport.  He has been such a wonderful addition to our family and we just love him so much.  Golden Retrievers are the BEST family dogs! 

This week whilst Brad and Harry are away at Brad's family farm in NSW Ned has spent a lot of time on our bed.  He isn't usually allowed on our bed but I let him when Brad isn't around....just down on the end of the bed.  He loves it and secretly so do I.  I feel safe with him there as I can be a bit of a scaredy cat when when I am home alone. 

Oh and just in time for Ned's Birthday this week Max {our 11 month old} started saying woof woof...exciting times in our household!!  Happy Birthday Ned.


  1. Anna,

    What a beautiful "BEST FRIEND" you have!!! :-)

    Ned seems to be so sweet, so caring...

    It's cute that you share you bed with him sometimes... so cute.

    Happy B-day!!! :-)

    Enjoy your day!


    Luciane at

  2. Anna,

    What a beautiful "BEST FRIEND" you have!!! :-)

    Ned seems to be so sweet, so caring...

    It's cute that you share you bed with him sometimes... so cute.

    Happy B-day!!! :-)

    Enjoy your day!


    Luciane at

  3. agree arent' they the best!! I have a 5 year old golden retriever, Teddy and he is the biggest mush. Our family just wouldn't be the same without him and your little Ned is too cute!
    Happy birthday to him......enjoy the special day with your cutie!!

  4. Aren't dogs just the best!? I'm housesitting my parents' place while they're in Bali at the moment and our family dog Dougall (the Schnoodle) is keeping me perfect company - there's nothing more heartwarming than having someone greet you at the front door with such pure adoration! PS. Love your quilt cover x

  5. He's a very lucky dog!
    I remember when you first showed us pictures of him on the striped chair... I think it was on the striped chair, stuffed with pillows :)

    Northern Light

  6. i have an Andy that looks like your Ned. We have had 3 goldens and are addicted to their sweet loving nature.

    Have you given him a summer haircut yet? They love it, look like a puppy again and there is no hair in the house for the summer months. He actually gets it cut several times in the summer. Called a "puppy cut", not shaved.

    I enjoy your blog and will someday get to visit your beautiful country with my family.

    A pic of Andy is on my blog

    Continued success in your business!

  7. "Woof woof!" indeed. Happy Birthday, Ned. What a darling boy.

  8. Heart meltingly adorable! I've never had a dog but our neighbour has a golden retriever, they are absolutely the best. Happy Birthday to Ned!

  9. happy birthday to ned.

  10. Indeed! Happy birthday, sweet Ned!

  11. precious! i remember when you welcomed him into your family!

  12. He's so pretty!!!!!
    Happy Birthday Ned!
    xo Trina

  13. He is ....absolutely beautiful. I can imagine you feeling safe with him around. Would love to do a blog post about your artistic preferences... would that interest you?

  14. Happy birthday, Ned! Aren't dogs the best family pets? Our two big dopey dogs are precious, as is yours. For Ned, I wish him lots of scruggles on his birthday! (A scruggle is a scratch and a snuggle at the same time...) :)

  15. I have a black Lab Retriever and he is very precious to our family. Your Ned looks adorable. Happy Birthday sweet Ned!

  16. I've been reading your blog daily since well before you brought Ned home. Fantastic you're still writing and that your business is so successful. All the best.

  17. What a handsome lad at the end of your bed! I concur, goldens are wonderful family additions; my girls have a bit of lab mixed in so their fur a bit more manageable!

  18. Ned, the divine.....
    Nothing better then such a companion!
    Give him a ear rub from me!

  19. cute!! I have a yellow lab (Kodi, he's 5) who I do the same thing with when my husband is out of town. Too funny! Otherwise, Kodi doesn't get on the bed at all.

    Super cute pup!

  20. Our dog Jordy (Jordan) is a twin to your Ned, except she lives in Toronto! She's our second cream golden and we adore her. Just wish she didn't shed so much. It's hard to find a better family dog.

  21. Beautiful but I'm not so sure Ned would be the best protection in a burglary - which is why I love them so much (we've had three in our family) Could lick them to death I suppose! A x

  22. Ned it gorgeous! So is your coverlet.

  23. I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY too to your loveable NED. He is such a gorgeous animal and I know and love him from other blogs he was seen. LOL ...when he was sitting on your white couch...

  24. Oh gosh Anna he is gorgeous! I remember when he first arrived, wow that time has gone fast.

    I have Humphrey my Golden Retriever who is 1 now. Aren't they just the most wonderful bundle of fun and love. I always say 'everything is fantastic in Humphrey world'. I think we can learn a lot from our furry friends hehehe.


    PS. I meant to comment the other day and say how gorgeous little Max is looking too!

  25. Dear Anna, my 4 year old grandaughter said can i visit him nana ? do you think he would bite?
    as she looked over my shoulder at your site. Even the babies are keen on your blog . Beverley xx

  26. I have a golden who's 10 and I couldn't agree more with you about them being the BEST family dogs. My golden, Bailey, is my first child and as I start to see signs of her getting old, it's breaking my heart. This family will always have Goldens if I have anything to say about it. Can't live without them, fur and all.

  27. Awww, happy birthday Ned! He's dreamy... Wish we had a puppy :(

  28. I have to say Ned looks mighty comfortable up there on your bed :)

  29. So precious!! Happy Birthday Ned.

    xo - tamra

  30. He is so cute! Have a dog myself and completely understand that you allow him on your bed when you're home alone ;)

    Happy b-day Ned!

  31. Sooooooo cute!


  32. What a wonderful dog!)) someday if I cer dog - it will be exactly the breed

  33. THAT is one cute pooch! Utterly gorgeous! Happy, happy birthday Ned.

  34. Happy birthday, sweet Ned! *Sigh* They grow up so fast...

  35. happy, happy birthday to ned! time really does fly -- remember when he was just a puppy xo

  36. He is GORGEOUS! Please give him a belated happy birthday kiss for me. My cocker spaniel baby is turning two this month, too, although I still treat him like a lil puppy. :)

  37. They are a very pleasant breed and mine is very protective as well. I'm sure Ned enjoyed the extra time with you. Happy belated Ned!

  38. Our beautiful dog that!
    i love dogs...
    Happy b-day Ned!

  39. He's a cutie!
    I just got a little golden retreiver pup. He's 12 weeks and I'm quite taken with him.
    Might I ask, how long it took him to grow out of the nippy rambunctious puppy stage?

  40. he is so cute!

    i had a golden growing up and they really are the best dogs!

    Though now that I live in Brooklyn, i have a little frenchie who has stolen my heart.

    they are all so sweet
