Sunday 10 April 2011

Natural Cane

We spent lots of time with my family on the weekend as it was my brother's birthday and birthdays in our family tend to be celebrated over a few days. 

Whilst at my parent's house this afternoon, I couldn't help noticing how beautiful the Stuart Membery cane chairs look with the older pieces of cane on their deck.  This is one of the chairs from Stuart's Home Collection above which we sell at Black & Spiro and when you look at it mixed with mum's old cane chairs as below, it looks like it has been part of her furniture collection for years.

I have been collecting a few of these old cane chairs {like mum's above} for our house which I have also mixed with Stuart's chairs on our verandahs.  I really love the look of this natural cane and I think it looks particularly nice mixed with Antique furniture and blue and white fabrics and china.

photos by me at mum & dad's house


  1. Anna,

    It is beautiful and I adore both styles.

    They look so great with colorful cushions!

    Art by Karena

  2. Lovely! Especially with the blue and white. Tell your brother Happy Birthday. Mine was yesterday :)

  3. i like all of these chairs...happy sunday, Anna

  4. Anna, I am a retired art teacher from the public school system. I do free lance painting now. My jaw drops evey time you show a vignette with great art in the background. Please do a post on your art at home and in the store. It is eye candy!!! I just want to see more and more.
    I love your blog and read it daily though I seldom comment. Your use of color is magnificent.
    xoxo Dianne

  5. Beautiful. I adore the middle'll find that style of "thick" cane in vintage furniture here in the States and I LOVE. LOVE. We had a set in my great-aunt's Wisconsin lake house and I still wonder who the lucky owner is now.

  6. So pretty...I am ALWAYS inspired when I look at your blog! I was just visiting my sister and we spent an evening and a bottle of wine reading and looking at your blog!

  7. How wonderful your family celebrates birthdays in style. I love birthday celebrations, too, and always celebrate the entire MONTH! ha! My daughter is exactly like that, too,and is carrying on that tradition! Susan

  8. They are gorgeous, and I totally agree - they look wonderful together!!

  9. I love the timeless cane and blue combo too, Anna... just about to paint some cane white at my new place - fingers crossed it isn't a disaster!

  10. Looks fabulous.

    I've got an original cane 3 piece suite probably from the 50's or 60's. I bought it on ebay a few years ago, it's sitting at the warehouse waiting to be restored to it's original beauty. It's in great condition, just needs a little restoration and some beautiful fabric.

    One day when I have time...


  11. I need that beautiful black and white cushion, please tell me how I can buy!

  12. Adoring the stripe and floral combination on this last chair. Classic.

  13. OMYGOD! J'adore the last chair! I just love this style!

  14. love the pics..
