Saturday 8 January 2011

Some Inspiration

These days I've been a little uninspired by houses I've seen in magazines and online.  I'm not sure why.  However, I have found myself completely captivated by this house in New York which was featured in this month's Belle magazine.  The owner decorated the entire house on her own.  I love the mix of styles, the pops of colour and of course the all-white interior and exterior.  I am also completely enamoured with the kitchen.  I love the stainless steel cabinetry....a look I think I am going to incorporate in my own kitchen when it's time to renovate that part of the house.  Isn't the wall of tribal masks fabulous and Belle's fresh and colourful cover really did it for me this month too.


  1. Funny because I feel like less and less I see homes that really WOW me. Thats part of the reason I chose to do a blog so I could put up all my favorite things, and see how many others like them too! You are so right on and that house has oodles of charm, I like the electric mix of colors and styles too..makes it very inviting.
    Please if you have a minute check out my new blog, I am using it to journal the building process of our new french dream house as well as talk about all the things I love with design, interiors,etc....


  2. Well I was going to do some housework before I opened up that mag waiting on the coffee table...might have to change my plans :)

  3. Agree, most interior magazines miss that certain something that makes you feel inspired.This is quite a cool interior- more impressive even because it was all done without an interior decrator!!

  4. Fresh lovely interiors are such a treat, perhaps we are so overwhelmed with so many images these days we are all looking for something a bit different. I will make sure I pop in to pick up a copy. Have a great weekend.

  5. I feel the same. I am tired of perfect houses. That last photo is gorgeous. Love it!

  6. Yes - i agree it is stunning! I only bought this as i am on holidays and was pleasantly surprised! Happy January to you. x KG

  7. I completely agree Anna - this issue had me as soon as I saw the cover, and that New York house is gorgeous. It's nice to see something a bit different for a change, isn't it? Hope you're enjoying your holiday,
    K xx

  8. Hi Anna I couldn't agree with you more. It's so true when you say that houses are a little uninspiring these days. I too find some of them repetitive and unimaginative. Glad I'm not the only one to feel that way though -I was starting to get a bit worried!!! I think what most places lack these days is personality and as a designer and decorator I've learnt that unfortunately people are often frightened of colour, patterns and as a result of that they will most of the time steer away from it all just to be safe. I know some architects and designers that will apply the same formula over and over and that is the way things are going in Sydney at the moment, sadly, but luckily some very talented people, including yourself and many more, are persisting with their excellent work and, in my opinion, they make it all worth it.
    This NY home has personality and by looking at it, I'm able to read a bit of its owners wonderful! Just love it!
    Have a great w/end

    Claudia :))

  9. Agree the masks are Fantastic in that arrangement, & love the pop with all whites too!

  10. I love this house too. My copy is very dog eared from all the gawking I've been doing of that house!

  11. gorgeous, love the utilitarian look and all that fresh white.

  12. I bought this mag too, I loved the peek at the striped wall through the glass doors and pops of colour around the white.

  13. lovely, thank for sharing this...

  14. Hey Anna, it was just the other day that I thought the same uninspiring I am finding the latest interior magazines to be. I remember the anticipation of sitting with the latest mag and a coffee, pouring over the pages and coming away full of enthusiasm and new ideas. Now I seem to flick halfheartedly through the pages barely taking in the content. Maybe our lives are becoming increasingly busy and our minds just aren't on the job?! Or alternatively, maybe we have been inspired enough over the years to have our own creative flare, unmatched by even the best magazines!!

  15. This house has such a gorgeous, traditional exterior, but you would never expect such a design-forward interior. I may have to subscribe to this magazine - is it always this good??


  16. Anna- I can see why you adore the home. Guts and creativity to sleep under the wall of curious faces! A true home.

  17. I love that the house shown looks REAL and LIVED-IN. I'm tired of looking at over-styled homes that send a clear message: Don't touch. Does anyone really live that way? The images in these pictures are beautiful. I am going to have to try to get my hands on a copy of Belle! Thank you for sharing!

  18. Hi there

    We love your blog and look forward to seeing more this year, now that we have found you : )

    We really like your interior aesthetics. We have recently launched our own-brand of ecclectic pillows and would love you to check out our blog where we share our creations and dreams - and hope that you will like what you find:

    Thank you


  19. I am also part of the fan club for this issue. This place seems so effortlessly put together and pops of colour are gorgeous. I also loved the fact that she created a striking artwork with her daughter as part of the renovation...talented lady!

  20. I totally understand why you feel this way and many of us feel the same way. I have a new "thing" for my blog on Monday... I think we all need inspiration but we all need to find what wake up our own inspiration. I'd love you to take a look... I know you're busy, but I'd love to know if you like my idea.

    Now, about this place... I get why you like the last picture, but I think it would be a little freaky to wake up in the middle of the night and see this masks in the dark! lol

    Take care and enjoy your beautiful country! :-)


    Luciane at

  21. I'm looking forward to reading your blog again this year Anna xo

    Katrina @ Media Mad

  22. I was looking at that house yesterday and was blown away at how she decorated the entire house in a week only (or so she says...)!!

    I loved everything about it but the wall of masks... maybe not in a bedroom.

    PS - Getting less inspired must mean you have a increasingly exquisite flair!!

  23. Very impressive! The clean, warm, uncluttered designs makes the palce look so welcoming!

    Philippines properties
