Thursday 16 December 2010


I am under the impression there are many, many people reading my blog on a day-to-day basis. I sometimes wonder why you read my blog. I ramble on about things I am creating for my shop and my clients and I talk very fondly about my family and the importance I place on creating a home. I talk about the things I love and I try to keep this place very happy and positive.

Over the years, I have thought about doing advertising here and donating all the proceeds to a charity but I really don't like the look of adveristing on blogs. It's just not my thing. I have also tried to think of ways I can help others through my blog. So I am really hoping that this post will help others. Here goes...

I recently met the founder of a Brisbane charity called Givit and what an inspiration she is. Givit connects people that have with people that need. Givit has a list on their website of all the things people around Brisbane are needing and if you have it or want to donate it then all you have to do is fill out the form on the website and give. I just checked out the list and today there is a teenage single mother who is fleeing domestic violence. She needs some bedding for a single bed, a cot with bedding and some general household goods. It's so easy to help. Just CLICK HERE NOW and you can see the list of things in need. The list changes constantly so keep checking back or you can just give anything to their virtual warehouse.

At the moment Givit is available only in Brisbane however, I believe they are just about to go national so everyone around Australia will soon be able to give as well. I will keep you informed about this.

I am going to give to Givit this week and I really, really hope you will too....



  1. Oh! How wonderful, that sounds like such a great way to help out someone in need. I can't wait until they open up in NSW... I have always liked the idea of giving actual items rather than just money. I hope this takes off. Thank you for sharing it with us all :-)


  2. Wowo, now that is a great idea. I like the idea of helping the starving overseas, but I always say we should be helping our own first. Can you do this from any state Anna, or only if in QLD? i would love to do this as I have tonnes to give =0)
    Ness xx

  3. Hi Ness,

    At the moment GIVIT is only in Brisbane but if you have things you can post then that would be fine I think. I know that they are about to go National so then you would definitely be able to give in your State. Let me check all the details with Juliette and let you know...

    Thanks so much for being so positive about this. I really want to try and help as I think this is such a wonderful idea and so great giving back to those who are our neighbours here in AUS!


  4. I visit you not only for your love for creating a shop and a home full of love. I also visit because I know you create goodness for so many. What a wonderful cause. Giving to others needs to begin in one's home.
    It is evident that you give from the heart.

  5. There's not much to say but, GOD BLESS YOU.

    This is one of the most important post that you've ever done so far.


    Luciane at

  6. What a great idea!
    Lately people have taken to Paypal to donate money to all kind of causes. Do you have access to it?
    This would be helpful for everybody to give, even when they are not local!

    I love to read your blog!!
    I have a give away today, wan acme over?

  7. That is a wonderful idea Anna, and so direct and personal. I get overload here in the very generous and charity-minded US: local, immediate and practical has real meaning!

  8. Anna, I visit your blog because of your eye for beauty, and because, like you said you keep it happy and positive. Givit sounds like a wondeful organization, and even though I'm not in Brisbane, I appreciate being reminded of our power to make a difference. Thanks for that, and for your beautiful blog. - Jeanne

  9. What an amazing charity! They should really think of doing this in Canada because I know a lot of people who would love to donate.

  10. I read your blog because I'm so proud of a Brisbane girl making it onto the international stage. You are constantly inspiring and delightful. We all need inspiration and I'm grateful for your generosity in sharing your gifts.
    Givit is a great GREAT GREAT idea, can't wait for it to go national!

  11. How lovely and thoughtful Anna!
    Truly in the spirit of the holiday season ~~

    xo Laura

  12. I'd like to talk with some of the prints skown on this blog. My email is: Thx!!

    I don't read my gmail, so post me at the addy above.

  13. I love to read your blog - it is a creative inspiration! what a good thing you are doing- hope Givit goes National


  14. I love your blog, so positive, full of inspiration, creating a home full of love and warmth. What a great idea Givit is, very clever. Enjoy your weekend.x

  15. Hi Anna
    I also really love popping in to see your pictures. I've found your eye for detail and colours really helpful as I try to make our house cosy and welcoming. I also love seeing pictures of your dog! I used to have a golden retriever; we can't have pets in our rental property so I get my "dog fix" electronically from your blog and others :)
