Monday 16 August 2010

Loving Fluoro

I love bright colour, that's no secret but lately I've been loving fluoro.

fluoro bike via
dobbybrain, birds image source unknown


  1. Oh my gosh! My family always put these little chik-a-dees in our Easter baskets. I love them.
    Teresa (splendid Sass)

  2. The fluro trim on the chair in your new showroom, Anna- it looks fantastic!

  3. I love what you do with colour - I am a creative person, but when it comes to colour - well let's just say I am not creative in that department. I think you are very clever. How are you surviving with a new baby, a new shop makeover and work!!?? I do admire you. Have a good week (hope you get lots of sleep).

  4. Those fluo chicks are cute! KG
    ps thank you Anna for adding me to your blog roll. I really appreciate it! x

  5. I was actually surprised to see colours almost as fluro as these at the "Abstraction" exhibition at the Art Gallery NSW... You are onto a good thing that's for sure. Pruxxx

  6. Oh the birds. Amazing...but kinda still hoping it's photoshop!

  7. the colored chicks.... are you kidding me? That's too funny!!!

    Northern Light

  8. Wow, it color does make a big difference.

  9. that bike is amazing. i need to save up for a awesome bike like that

  10. I like it too. Those chicks are awfully cute.

  11. Absolutely beautiful bike! I want one like this!

  12. You have a beautiful blog!!!
    I just discovered it..

    those chicks might be from the Philippines. Vendors carry them around in little cages..children love these =)

    Keep up the good work...
