Saturday 8 May 2010

What a day...

WOW is all I can say. I am speechless. The sale today was incredible. I am so taken back by the support and patronage of our customers, blog readers and friends. A huge thank you to all of those who lined up at the door from 8.15am this morning waiting for our doors to open at 9.30am. Another big thank you to everyone for your patience as we tried our hardest to help as many customers as we could whilst the stampede occurred during the first 2 hours of our sale. I met so many lovely people who read the blog. Thank you to everyone including my gorgeous Black & Spiro girls for making today's sale the best Black & Spiro sale we have ever had. We literally have nothing left.

PS. Loved meeting you Faux Fuchsia {one of my new absolutely favourite blogs}! Thanks for posting today about the sale and also thanks to Bec from A Cup of Kitsch for also posting about the sale on her blog too!


  1. Wow, what an amazing sale, it was such fun and there where some amazing bargains to be had, I came with Bec from Cup of Kitsch, we both had a blast! I'm so inspired by all the great fabric and have so many projects on my mind. It was a fun atmosphere and I'm happy you sold everything! Great reductions! Good luck with the birth, you where glowing today!

  2. It looks so fun. I wish I didnt live so faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away so I could have come :)

  3. Hello Anna! I'm glad that the sale was a huge sucess, you deserve it, I wish I was there... I love your work but, above all, the most important is that, even I am far away, I can fell the love and enthusiasm you put in your work.
    I wish you all the best!


  4. WOW, what a turnout, I am seriously impressed!!
    The new "sale" pictures of your store looks so nice and pretty, I am sure it didn't look like this when you were done......
    Congratulations on a great sale!

    Northern Light

  5. Looks phenomenal - congratulatons. Wishing Australia was closer!

  6. WOW! That is so wonderful Anna! Wish I lived much closer, I would definitely have been there! Cheers to a successful sale day! and...Happy Weekend!

  7. Glad to hear your sale went well. I am having a 28 chair sale here @ Anchor Cottage on this snowy day. Blowing snow and rain outside so I have plan B, the chairs lined up in the middle of the store.

  8. Wish I was there! It's all I can say!!!

    Looking good in your neighborhood!

    Happy Mother's Day!


  9. I have just found your blogg......and i like what i see...i live in Sweden and find it intresting with interior design...youre welcome to visit my blog..

  10. Anna,
    I think I speak for everyone in the United States when I say we wish you had an outpost here! Congrats on your sale and all your success!

  11. Oh, how I wish I were an Aussie so I could attend your sale. Love your work and the shop. Hope you cleared out and made a little cash.

  12. That's amazing. Thought they were waiting for ABBA reunion tickets. Congratulations, your home and your store and designs are beautiful!

  13. Just blogged about your sale Anna. What a great mothers day it was for me!!! Michelle

  14. Hi Anna, Thank you to you and your staff for a wonderful sale!! You all did very well and I can't believe the discounts you had.
    I've done a little post about it here on my blog.......

  15. WOW! Looks like it would of been an awesome day out...with loads of treasures to be had. Congratulations on a huge day.
    Ness xx

  16. I think we USA bloggers need our very own private trip to see you and stampede your shop!

  17. Dear Anna,
    Relax and enjoy the day.
    So glad the sale went well.
    Happy Mothers Day

    yvomme yvonne

  18. Wish I could have made it to your sale!! But I was stuck down here in Sydney. Hope the day went fabulously!!


  19. Well done Super Woman Anna - now go put your feet up & do nothing for the rest of the week!
    Millie ^_^

  20. Wowee ~ congratulations, Anna and your dear Black & Spiro girls. That's outstanding!
