Wednesday 11 November 2009

Gift Ideas at Simon Johnson

If you are looking for a gift for someone who enjoys cooking {or eating} this Christmas I would highly recommend you check out the Simon Johnson online store. They have some wonderful things and ship all over Australia. I loved the styling of their gift collection catalogue as above and I know a little 6 year old who will love the giant midi Durade chocolate fish {105 grams} which I will be ordering in for his Christmas stocking!


  1. Wait, this is a chocolate? Gorgeous & yummy!

  2. Please Anna, please,

    Please don't start talking about Christmas yet, I'm just not ready.

    This year has gone so fast that I just can't catch up. I can't believe it is November already. I think I will start my Christmas thinking in December.

    Saying that, yes, Simon Johnson does have some yummy things.

    and your wish a couple of weeks ago for the cabriole leg stool, well Anna tell your husband he can order one through my husband, any size any shape you like and you supply the fabric.

    x Coty Farquhar

  3. Oh boy, I'm so far to buy these (so gorgeous) things!!!

  4. I'd love to check out his store - but I got an error when I tried the link - is it because I'm in the US?

  5. I want a bed as beautiful as that and to tell you honestly that bedroom looks great. I like the simplicity of that bedroom, those light colors. I just love that bedroom.

