Friday 9 October 2009

Where Did The Week Go?

I seem to have lost track of the week this week, hence my absence!

I adored the post Millie did recently on old rockers. This one above was my favourite. Heading into the weekend, I could imagine myself sitting in that exact spot. Instead I am undertaking the complete re-organisation of my wardrobe, which is very daunting, I must admit. See you next time!


  1. Anna, I hope you can find some time on the weekend to enjoy the beautiful weather we have been having! Just want to tell you how much I LOVE our new curtains and cushions too. My blog is teeny tiny compared to yours but I have posted a couple of pictures to show my family and friends and they love everything too. So clever...
    Best wishes, NM.

  2. I did that last weekend. Time to pack away the winter clothes and drag out the summer. Cleaned the cupboard from head to toe and reshuffled. Fabulous, except it's 14C here today and winter is back with a vengeance. Enjoy the weekend.

  3. I would move that gorgeous rocker forward ever so slightly so I could dangle my feet in the water...perfect!

  4. That is a perfect spot for a Saturday afternoon siesta.

  5. Oh my goodness - don't get lost down the rabbit hole - that is a very scary concept - the wardrobe. I would be frightened I might find myself in Narnia!

  6. Oh my, that looks so relaxing - I need something like that for my porch.

  7. Have fun with that!!! I have just done the same thing a few weeks ago and was ruthless - 3 bags of clothes later and my wardrobe has space for a new summer collection
    Have a great weekend Anna,
    Ness xx

  8. I LOVE that swing!! LOVE IT!! I live on mine in the summer and fall... This one is so much nicer than what I have.... it's fit for a queen!!

  9. Brave woman! Some days I'm almost afraid to open my wardrobe. I stash things- lots of shopping bags & rejected options from the morning's latest indecisive outfit changes. Good Luck!

  10. Oh Anna, Yes I would much rather be catching up on reading at this lovely spot, than organizing, that it at the top of my list though!!

  11. Have a great weekend! I'm filling mine with wonderful relaxation!

  12. have a great weekend!

    I've been out of the blog reading loop lately due to work, and I've completely missed your happy images and writing.

    thanks sweet Anna!


  13. Hi, Love the fringe and the piping cheers Katherine

  14. I hope you're taking pictures. We want to celebrate with you when you are done.

  15. I had so much fun doing that post sweet Anna - I'm delighted you enjoyed it too! Yes, you need & must have the raspberry pink rocker, it is soooo ABT!
    Millie ^_^

  16. hi anna... i agree ...wasn't it just monday? wow... i feel the same way... and i have been weeding the closet a little everyday... reluctantly... dreading the rain coming in seattle... but we have had the most amazing summer so no complaining... have a wonderful weekend.. x pam

  17. I love this rocker, -thats the perfect place to hide and read a book!

  18. to mi sie naprawde podoba...( I like it very much :))

  19. i would love to be sitting in the sun like that's cold and rainy here. that definitely looks like a great place to retreat too.
    i don't envy you going thru the will feel good when you are done...though.
    happy autumn.

  20. Wardrobe reorganising is difficult because it's always hard to figure out what to part with; and what you "might fit into" again!

  21. Hi Anna, that swing is to die for!
    Did you make it up your self----and do you make them Im from south australia regards jeanette

  22. ah lovely, how I miss a backyard! A very happy weekend to you, good luck in the ruthless! :)

  23. ah lovely, how I miss a backyard! A very happy weekend to you, good luck in the ruthless! :)

  24. I ask myself that quite often as the weeks fly by, your blog is very inspirational as I love antique furniture and mix the old with the young.

  25. I love it when the week goes fast - it's when the weekend goes fast that it gets to me!

    For all things fashion:

  26. Hope you had luck with the wardrobe! beautiful photo!!!
    lovely wishes
